WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/24/21)

WWE NXT Results
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results
February 24, 2021
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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Johnny Gargano  w/The Way vs. Dexter Lumis

Lumis drops down and starts to crawl. Gargano runs away. He’s scared. Lumis crawls under the ring. Lumis attacks  Gargano from behind. Lumis deadlift suplexes Gargano. Gargano rolls out of the ring. Lumis follows. Gargano sends Lumis into the ring apron back first. Gargano charges, but Lumis kips up to avoid the strike. Lumis levels Gargano. Lumis sends Gargano back into the ring. Indi Hartwell tries to sneak up on Lumis but Lumis turns around and stares daggers through her. Hartwell backs up slowly and accidentally walks into the ring post. Hartwell tells Lumis to call her.

LeRae hops on the apron and attempts a ranna off the apron. Lumis catches LeRae and tosses her back to the apron. In the confusion, Gargano clips Lumis with a suicide dive. After the break, Gargano and Lumis trade shots. Gargano accidentally spins into a spinebuster by Lumis. Gargano kicks out. Gargano cuts Lumis off as he goes up top. Lumis misses a leg drop. Gargano lands a superkick. Lumis kicks out. Gargano tells Austin Theory to hit Lumi with a chair. Theory gets on the apron and hesitates. Gargano tries to attack Lumis from behind. Lumis moves and Gargano runs into the chair and Theory. Lumis puts Gargano in Silence. Gargano taps out.

Winner- Dexter Lumis

In the parking lot, Commissioner Regal is waiting for Santos Escobar to arrives. Regal tells someone off-screen to send Escobar to him once he arrives.

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