AEW Dynamite Results

AEW Dynamite Results (11/25/20)

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AEW Dynamite, November 25, 2020
Daily’s Place, Jacksonville, FL
Commentators: Jim Ross, Tony Schiavone & Excalibur

Tonight’s AEW Dynamite will have Will Hobbs in action after his treacherous turn against Cody Rhodes and for the first time ever, Chris Jericho will face Christopher Daniels in tag action as The Inner Circle take on SCU.

“Hangman” Adam Page vs. John Silver (w/ Dark Order)

John wants a fist bump but Hangman does not oblige. Arm wrench by Page, but Silver reverses. The two trade shoulder blocks with Page getting the better. Body slam by Hangman and the two soon flex off at one another. Silver compliments Hangman’s physique and Hangman slugs him down. Hard chop by Page and another in the corner. Silver turns it around and gives chops of his own, but Page returns the favor.

Big time back body drop by Adam. The two trade waist locks and Silver slaps him on the rear. Adam grins, but Silver catches him climbing the turnbuckle with a kick and then a cross body. Silver and Page chop one another, but John gets the better with some kicks that has Page on his knees. Big chop back by Page but Silver hits an elbow for two.

Hard elbows traded by each other. Page looks to better the exchange but the speedy Silver spins Page for a suplex and a two count. Hangman lariats Silver off the apron and gives him some time to recoup.  Silver pulls back on a tope and Page catches him on the outside. Back in the ring, a sliding lariat downs Silver for a near fall.

Silver goes for another cross body, but Hangman catches him for his patented fallaway slam and a running shooting star press for a two count.

Hangman goes for a Buckshot Lariat, but Silver scouts him beautifully with a hurricanrana and a very near fall. A knee and a brainbuster gets Silver such a close win, but Page puts a shoulder up.

Big thrust kicks Silver and Page wants more of them. John obliges as Hangman gets to his feet to fire away at Silver. Big elbow by Silver and more kicks by him. Massive lariat followed by a Liger Bomb on Silver, 1-2-nope! Hangman, however hits his Buckshot Lariat for the victory!

WINNER: “Hangman” Adam Page

All of Dark Order come out and Evil Uno tells Hangman they’re not out to jump him. They have their regrets and he knows Adam does too. He implies that The Elite are a cult, but he wants Page to know that his friends and him are here for him. Page knows where to find him.

Alex Marvez is with Kenny Omega backstage. He wants his thoughts on round two of the contract signing. He says the more things change, the more they stay the same. A year ago almost to the day, he was recovering from injuries via Jon. He lost that match. The only difference now is that he’s seeing Mox all over magazines. The common thread that binds them is what Jon has and what Kenny doesn’t. It’s not until he gets the AEW Title until Kenny is considered the best. He requests that Jon, for only night only, leaves the garbage wrestling alone. Leave it to your ability. Kenny almost forgot, you are a good guy and congratulations. That childhood story really tug at his heart strings. Kenny thinks Jon’s dad would get the shit beaten out of him by his own dad. Harsh.

Darby sits on his beater car and the roof has “Survive If I Let You” scribed on top of it. That’s before the TNT Champ lights that mutha on fire.

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Lee Johnson

Taz joins commentary as Hobbs tackles Lee hard. Hobbs is donning an orange and black singlet akin to ECW era Taz. Hobbs tosses Johnson out of the ring and sizes him up for a hard lariat. He flings Lee hard into the barricade as boos echo throughout Daily’s place. Massive World’s Strongest Slam gets Hobbs the easy victory.

WINNER: Powerhouse Hobbs

Taz tells them to cut the music. He says Cage and Starks have been celebrating the win last week and Hobbs joining Team Taz. He sends Hobbs away to celebrate his new win as he has business to attend to. Taz wants some respect for the FTW Title and now he wants someone from management to come out right now and tell him why this title isn’t given the respect it deserves. Taz’s mic is cut and tells Justin Roberts to give him his mic. He tells Keith Mitchell and Tony Khan they better not cut this mic. They do. The announcers are informed that Tony Khan wants Taz to leave the ring. Out comes Cody. He tells the crowd to give Taz a round of applause because he’s done. He tells Taz he’s wasting time. Cody tells him about the Team Taz (Starks & Hobbs) match against him and Darby Allin next week. He says he’s not out here for that. He wants respect for the FTW Title. Cody gives him an offer: “He’ll run it up the flagpole.” Taz has his qualms with that and references “future endeavors ” and such. Cody then mentions that Taz’s  son is training with Cody and not him. Taz gets off the mic and tells Cody he went too far. Taz then sneaks up behind Cody and locks in the Tazmission. Cody is fading before the Gunn Club come in to break it up. Out comes Taz’s son Hook who carries out the FTW Title.

Eddie Kingston is backstage with Alex Marvez. He says he’s not mad at Penta, he’s just really disappointed. He kind of expected it from Rey Fenix and he insults PAC. Who enters but Jon Moxley. The two stare one another down. Eddie says it wasn’t him who attacked him last week. They’ve got their own stuff to handle…champ. Mox walks away.

Top Flight vs. The Hybrid2

Angelico and Darrius start things off and Angelico downs him with an arm wrench. Darrius flips free. Angelico pie faces him and feigns a right hand in the corner.  Plenty of athleticism hear and some fancy arm drags are executed. Darrisu tags in Daunte and they jump on the arm of Angelico. Evans gets knocked off the apron before TF cover for two.

Angelico gets control back and a missed dropkick by Daunte allows Angelico to sweep the leg. Evans gets tagged in and hits Daunte with a crisp calf kick as we go to picture-in-picture.

After break, Daunte makes the tag to to Darrius who comes like a house on fire to Evans and punctuates it with a shotgun dropkick for a two count. Evans fires back with some shots in Top Flight’s corner. TF make the most of it as Daunte tags in and they double powerbomb Evans for a two count. Evans soon gets kicked off the apron into Angelicos arms. Daunte and Darrius both dive onto TH2.

Back in the ring, big frog splash by Daunte for a near fall. JR says they gotta be firmer on their covers. Angelico tags in himself as Evans downs Daunte. An assisted 450 splash gets a close fall for TH2. Darrius hits a code red for a close fall. Evans and Darrius spill to the outside as Angelico locks in his leg finisher for the submission win on Daunte.


Evans and Angelico continue their vicious assault and The Young Bucks come out for the save. This causes TH2 to bail.

Nyla Rosa and Vickie Guerrero are giving us a lesson about nepotism. She says this happens at the hand of Brandi Rhodes. Vickie makes it known that Brandi’s business plan is set up for failure.

We see FTR. Cash says that Full Gear was the worst night of his life. Dax says for three seconds they were the better team. It’s his lifeblood to have the AEW Tag Titles. Tully says it’s their destiny and it’s his destiny to coach and call themselves a team. He tells The Bucks to “Fear The Revelation.”

SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Christopher Daniels) vs. The Inner Circle (Chris Jericho & Jake Hager)

Daniels arm drags Jericho and the two grin at each other.

Shoulder tackle in the middle of the ring but no men relent. Jericho does hit a shoulder tackle on Daniels and paint brushes him. Daniels follows up with a dropkick and gets Jericho caught between strikes of SCU.

Soon after Hager gets the tag and begins to take an assault attack on Kaz. Jericho seizes the opportunity to get some shots in before tagging in Hager once more. Shoulder thrusts in the corner. Aubrey Edwards argues with Daniels as Jericho strangles Kaz in his corner. Kaz fights his foes off and almost gets the tag for Daniels. He soon does and Daniels gives an enziguri to down Hager. He soon attempts a pin, but Hager turns the tide with a big time slam. Daniels then gets tossed to the outside and all of Inner Circle stomp away at him as Aubrey is distracted once more. We go to break.

Back from break, Jericho is dragging Daniels over to his corner to tag in Hager. Rib shots from Hager and locks him in a front chancery before tagging in Jericho.  CD catches him with a flatline and he tags in Kaz. Big high forearm to Jericho and he knocks Hager out of the ring. He soon eludes out all of the Inner Circle, but Jericho tries to seize the moment. Daniels and he double team Jericho and it’s Daniels who shows his aerial works as he gets a near fall on Jericho. It’s down to him and Hager as CD hits him with an off the top flatliner. BME almost gets the win, but Jericho breaks it up. MJF chooses the right moment to strike Daniels with his Dynamite Diamond. Jericho then hits CD with a Judas Effect and Jake covers for the win.

WINNERS: The Inner Circle

Kaz slugs MJF and all of The Inner Circle gang up on him. This leads to Scorpio Sky with a steel chair and it clears the ring.

Miro and Kip Sabian are attacked by The Best Friends backstage.

Next up is the contract signing between Kenny Omega and Jon Moxley (round two, of course). Tony introduces Omega first but as his entrance is going on, Mox assaults him. He throws him in the ring and lays the title down in front of him. Mox then delivers a Paradigm Shift on top of the tite. Mox grabs the mic. “‘Gentleman’s agreement’? Riiight.” Whoever Kenny hired to attack him they did a piss poor job. He thought his beef was squashed with Omega a year ago, but he had to go and piss him off. He tells the only way Kenny has a chance is to dig down deep and find the Omega everybody thinks he is. You have to defeat him. Next week the two best wrestlers tangle for this title. Win, lose or draw, winter is coming for Kenny. When you come at the king, you best not miss because he takes no prisoners. “Take your shot, Kenny because you’re only going to get one.” Mox then thanks Tony before signing the contract to make the match official.

Inner Circle is irate against SCU’s actions. Jericho challenges Frankie Kazarian to a one-on-one match next week for AEW Dynamite.

AEW Women’s Championship
Anna “99” Jay (w/ Tay Conti) vs. Hikaru Shida

Bell rings and the two shove one another. Side headlock by Jay but Shida shoulder tackles. Standing switch and Jay goes for a Queen Slayer but Shida shakes free. Irish whips are exchanged and it’s the champ who hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. She dropkicks Jay out of the ring. It’s Jay who keeps the pressure on the outside with chops against the barricade and then slams Shida against the apron. Jay rolls her back in as we go to picture-in-picture.

Back from break, Shida is caught on the top and Jay kicks her hard. She demands Conti gives her a chair and Conti heistates. Jay grabs it, the ref grabs it, tosses the chair. As that happens Silver hands her Shida’s kendo stick. She takes out Shida’s legs for a near fall. Queen Slayer by Jay but Shida frees herself and gets her offense back going which is capitilized by her knee strike for the W.

WINNER and STILL AEW Women’s World Champion: Hikaru Shida

Post-match, a bloody-faced Abadon crawls out to freak Shida out. She licks the title with a bloody tongue as the champion looks on.

Matt Hardy is dressed in a suit and calls himself the “Iconic” Matt Hardy. He said 2020 has been rough for everyone and after his Elite Deletion match against Sammy Guevara he has a new lease on life. He wants to motivate viewers to do the same. Very heelish.

Ricky Starks is with Cage and Hobbs. Starks isn’t happy with Cody pissing off Taz. They’re happy with getting paid the money they do in AEW but Cody took it personal to Taz with his comments. Cage then makes it clear that Team Taz is the dominate team in AEW.

The Butcher & The Blade (with The Bunny & Eddie Kingston) vs. PAC & Rey Fenix

The fight begins before the bell as the teams duke it out on stage, but it becomes official when The Butcher tosses Fenix back in the ring. Death Triangle find synergy with top rope dives onto the outside. Butcher and PAC become the legal men. Cross body by Butcher followed by a gutwrench carry and tag to Blade. He stomps away at PAC in the corner as The Bunny yells at him. PAC tags in Fenix and he gives a mean shot to Blade before attempting to lock in an armbreaker. Fenix tags in PAC. He wrenches the arm and sends Blade crashing into the neutral corner. PAC siences the crowd and pie faces Blade repeatedly. This heats Blade up and the two trade forearms. Blade soon gets downed but the powerful Butcher handles Fenix until PAC enziguris him. We go to picture-in-picture once more.

Back from break, PAC and Blade still battle it out. Tag to Fenix, but a hotshot onto the ropes downs the brother. Butcher begins his dominance. He flings Fenix hard into the neutral corner. Tag to Blade and another bash in the corner. Fenix fights back and hits Blade with a handspring cutter. Tag to PAC. He kicks Butcher off the apron and then kicks away at Blade before hitting a low dropkick. Enziguri to Blade followed by a Northern Lights suplex. Near fall.

PAC goes for a shooting star, but Blade rolls away and hits a powerslam on PAC. Tag to Butcher who hits a gigantic lariat on PAC.

Two count. Blade gets tagged back in and thy trade shots to PAC. Double team followed by a Dodger Bomb  by Blade. Fenix saves PAC from a pin.  Blade lifts PAC up but Fenix and he takes some shots at him. Here comes Kingston and he tosses Fenix off the rope. The Butcher and Blade hit a double team neckbreaker bomb on Rey for the 1-2-3.

WINNERS: The Butcher & The Blade

Post-match, the victors continue their attack and Eddie Kingston hits not one, but two DDTs on PAC.  WHo comes out for the save but Lance Archer with Jake Roberts. The Murderhawk makes the most of the moment and goes to chokeslam the hell out of Eddie, but his compatriots save him. Lance gets some further attacks in before Eddie’s family bails and the show ends.