Kevin Owens
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Kevin Owens Powerbombs Aleister Black Through A Table, Wins No DQ Bout

This week on WWE RAW, the rivalry between Kevin Owens and Aleister Black continued when the two men met in a No Disqualification Match. The match immediately turned into a brawl, and both competitors fought at ringside. Black countered a powerbomb through a table and he threw Owens off the barricade and onto the announce table.

Black tripped Owens head-first into a steel chair. He rocked Owens with a kick, but Owens countred a knee strike with a chair shot. A DDT onto a chair earned Owens a two count. Both men battled on the top rope, and Black drove Owens through several chairs with a Meteora for a two count. Owens dodged a Black Mass and caused Black to kick the ring post. Owens hit a Stunner and a powerbomb through a table for the win.

RELATED: WWE RAW Results (10/12/20)

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