IMPACT Wrestling Results

IMPACT Wrestling Results (3/10/20)

IMPACT Wrestling ResultsIMPACT Wrestling Results
March 10, 2020

Report By Lovell Porter for

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Rhino vs. Madman Fulton

Before the match starts Dave and Jake Crist are ejected from ringside. Fulton slams Rhino. Fulton gets a near fall after a splash. Fulton spears Rhino in the corner. Rhino fires up but Fulton cuts Rhino off with a knee to the gut. Fulton misses a diving headbutt. Rhino gets to his feet. Rhyno sidesteps a shoulder tackle by Fulton. Fulton hits the corner hard. Rhino calls for the Gore. Fulton counters with a big boot. Rhino surprises Fulton with a Gore for the win.

Winner- Rhino

After the match, Dave and Jake attack Rhino. The lights go out and Sabu appears in the ring. Sabu hits Dave and Jake with a chair given to him by Super Genie. Fulton tries to clotheslines Sabu but Sabu kicks Fulton in the balls. Sabu DDTs Fulton. Rhino, Super Genie, and Sabu celebrate in the ring.

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