WWE Friday Night Smackdown Results

Friday Night SmackDown Results (2/14/20)

February 14, 2020
Report by Lovell Porter for Wrestlezone.com

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A Moment of Bliss

Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross are in matching outfits and holding matching coffee cups. Cross wants to talk about celebrity crushes. Bliss’ crush is Brad Pitt. Bliss’ guest tonight is Carmella. Bliss congratulates Carmella for winning last week. Carmella says she reminded everyone last week that Mella is money. Carmella says this may shock everyone but she used to be best friends with Bayley. Bliss shows photos of Carmella and Bayley hanging out. Carmella says ever since Sasha Banks came back Bayley has been different. Bayley walks out on the stage and tells Carmella that this isn’t about Banks. It’s really about Carmella. Bayley says she pitied Carmella since NXT. Carmella tells Bayley to get in the ring right now.

Women’s Championship Match: Bayley (c) vs. Carmella

Carmella works an armbar. Bayley gets to the ropes. Bayley knees Carmella in the gut. Bayley yells at Carmella that she better step up if she wants to be her friend. Carmella dropkicks Bayley. Bayley slams Carmella’s head into the top ring post. Carmella puts Bayley on the Mella-go-round. Suicide dive by Carmella. Carmella lands a crossbody for a near fall. Bayley flapjacks Carmella on the announce table. After the break, Bayley has Carmella in a rear chin lock. Carmella escapes after a jawbreaker. Carmella fires up and lands an atomic drop. Ranna by Mella. Mella lands a few running forearms. Mella runs into the Bayley-to-Belly. Mella kicks out.  Bayley goes up top. Mella cuts her off. Avalanche ranna by Mella. Bayley kicks out. Mella superkicks Bayley. Bayley rolls out of the ring before Carmella can pin her. Carmella puts Bayley in the Code of Silence. Bayley escapes and rolls Mella up with her feet on the ropes for the win.

Winner and STILL Women’s Champion, Bayley!

After the match, Bayley attacks Carmella. Naomi hits the ring and gets in Bayley’s face. Mella pushes Bayley into Naomi. Carmella kicks Bayley in the head. Naomi drops Bayley with an enziguri. Carmella and Naomi nod at each other as Bayley writhes in pain out on the floor.

Friday Night SmackDown Results Continue On The Next Page!