Kofi Kingston
Photo Credit: AMER HILABI/AFP/Getty Images

SummerSlam: Why Kofi Kingston Vs. Randy Orton Needs To Main Event

kofi kingston
Photo by Greg Doherty/Getty Images

Kofi Kingston called out Randy Orton and issued a SummerSlam challenge for the WWE Championship. Naturally, Randy Orton accepted it, but the segment they had to kick off the feud was nothing short of fantastic and it’s probably going to have the best build to the PPV storyline-wise.

But this is no ordinary WWE title match. This is perhaps Kofi Kingston’s biggest test since he became WWE Champion and the most important one as well. It’s the match that if Kingston wins, can truly cement his reign as WWE Champion as an important run. Admittedly, WWE has actually done a decent job with the WWE Championship since 2017. Despite the dud Jinder Mahal title reign, they’ve maintained a sense of consistency in that every titleholder has had a good, solid run with the championship.

For many fans, they’re simply grateful that the Kofi Kingston title reign has played out the way it has. Not only has he been presented as a strong, well-protected fighting champion, but the fact that his reign has surpassed a 100 days adds to the sense of satisfaction. Since Jinder Mahal, every WWE titleholder has held it for over a 100 days atleast. 

Either way, this match at SummerSlam is vital for Kofi Kingston because it’s the one where it all comes full circle. It’s the final piece in the Kofi Kingston puzzle and one that will undoubtedly cement his career as a top-tier Hall of Famer (though his resume alone speaks for itself).

SummerSlam is building to be a decent card this year, but admittedly, there have been stronger years. Sure, Seth Rollins vs Brock Lesnar is a good marquee match-up to have but will it be the main event? It’s very likely given that Brock Lesnar has main evented the last 6 out of 7 SummerSlam editions. It’s clearly a Lesnar-centric show but this time around, they don’t have the story that calls for it to be a main event.

Interestingly enough, Rollins and Lesnar have never had a full-fledged match, but even if they do, it’s probably better that it’s not in the main event. It’s also been a while since Randy Orton has main evented a PPV, with his last one being at Elimination Chamber. Apart from just that, the story itself is so important and so vital that it’s deserving of the main event spot.

SummerSlam may have been Lesnar’s event for the last few years, but this time around, WWE has a chance to change that and solidify Kofi Kingston’s title reign by having him stand tall at the end of the show. While that would likely be the end of his rivalry with Orton, it would be the right one. 

WWE fans love storytelling at its best and Kofi Kingston had one of the best stories in all of WWE this year – one that allowed fans to organically get behind him and help his unexpected rise to the top. It will surely be one of the most anticipated matches on the card and if there’s anything we know it’s that a motivated Randy Orton is the best Randy Orton. We might very well see the best version of the Apex Predator in years and if they can truly bring the best out of each other, then we might see a SummerSlam classic.

There is no match that is more important on the card and its high time that the WWE title gets the respect it deserves and main events the major PPV. We’re in a very precarious spot now because it’s clear that WWE is planning a big change in direction for SmackDown as the FOX deal heads closer. SummerSlam will confirm whether Kofi Kingston is a part of those plans or if this title reign is simply a “thanks” for his years of service.