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Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory Results (10/14): New Champion Crowned, LAX Wins The War

Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory Live (10/14): Aries Defends Against Johnny Impact, LAX And The OGz Go To War
Design / Layout Credit: Bill Pritchard

Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory Live Results
October 14th, 2018
Report by Robert DeFelice for

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Impact Wrestling Bound For Glory Preview: Who Will Walk Out World Champion, Who Will Steal The Show Read More Here

The show opened with a nice video package featuring the members of LAX talking about what it’s like growing up in New York City as highlights played of all of the happenings leading up to the show. The video package featured the song Coming Home by Slaine. After the video package, Josh Matthews handled the introductions and we got our entrances for the opening match of the evening.

Matt Sydal & Ethan Page vs. Rich Swann and Willie Mack

The match started with a nice showcase of the athleticism of Willie Mack against Sydal before making the tag to Rich Swann and Sydal and page quickly took over control of the match.

kept control with an awesome Russian Leg Sweep into a Cobra Clutch style maneuver on Swann. Swan briefly fought back but Sydal regained control and tagged in Ethan Page.

Finally, Swann made the hot tag to Willie Mack. Mac hit an awesome succession of clotheslines. The fans were totally behind him with chants of “return of the mack.”

Swann and Willie went for a double team but Page countered and hit a top rope body slam followed by Swanton bomb for a two count on Swann as the people chanted “This is Impact!”

There was a really awesome spot where Sydal hit a Frankenstein er on Swann and Ethan tried to catch Swann in a powerbomb position but Swan reversed into a ‘rana of his own. What followed was a succession of moves from all for men including Willie Mack hitting a stunner. It all came down to Swann and Sydal and Swann hit the Phoenix Splash for the pin.

Winners: Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Post-match: Swann and Mack gave away two free ringside seat upgrades courtesy of

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