Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Excellent Bouts, Excellent Build”

WWE World Heavyweight Championship

Both men circle and Seth Rollins ducks to the outside quickly. Rollins kicks Orton down and then punches away in the corner. He throws some shoulders into Orton and then attacks in the corner once again. Orton almost hits an RKO, but Rollins ducks to the outside. 

Back from break and Seth Rollins applies a headlock. Orton tries to get out of it and breaks free, finally. Rollins hits a neckbreaker. Orton strikes with an elbow, a clothesline, another and then a Rollins gets rolled into a small package for two. He hits a powerslam and then another two count. Orton hits Rollins spine first on the announce table and drags him back into the ring. Seth is able to hit some elbows and then roll Orton up for a two count. Seth kicks Orton in the face. Seth heads to the top rope, but gets rung up and split legged. Randy Orton hits a superplex.

Seth kicks him in the mid section and counters Seth into a hanging DDT, but reverses it. He hits Orton’s DDT on him. He panders to the crowd and then sets up Randy Orton for a Pedigree. Seth flies from the top and gets an RKO. Sheamus comes out and attacks Orton to break up the pin. He throws Orton in the crowd and then looks at Seth Rollins.  He hits a Brogue Kick and then looks to cash in. He yells to cash in, but Randy Orton hits an RKO to end the night. 

I loved that WWE finally teased a Sheamus cash-in. @2reel4you on Twitter is a good friend of mine who knows SO much about wrestling. When someone like him talks about forgetting Sheamus has the briefcase, that is a problem. I am glad it has not been a weekly thing for Sheamus, trying to cash in, but it was perfect tonight. WWE needs to remind us, but not have him tease it every week. With his feud with Randy Orton, him trying to cash in after Randy does the damage is smart booking. He should not have cashed in, but the ending was really good. I just wonder if WWE knows what to do with Rollins at SummerSlam. It does not seem like it.

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Raw Rating:

WZ 7.5


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