TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/9) – Roode vs Sting, Who Is The Real Champion?

Joe is shown being helped to the trainer's room as Sting finds more people attacked, then Sting finds Dixie Carter and starts screaming at her. He says all of AJ Styles' friends are knocked out and attacked, and he calls it a strange occurance before saying she has gone too far. Dixie says she'll be happy when AJ is gone, then Sting asks how far this goes, but Dixie says he should concentrate on his match. Sting says his match won't change what he needs to do later, then she says this conversation is over and walks away, with Sting saying he is sick of her.

Open Steel Cage Match Challenge
Kurt Angle vs
Bad Influence

Bobby Roode comes out and says he can't wait to get his hands on Kurt next week, but he found two guys who hate Kurt as much as him. Kurt knocks Daniels down and goes after Kaz, but Daniels hits him from behind and holds him so Kaz can hit a double sledge off the ropes. (Due to technical problems, the remaining coverage is brought to you courtesy of Thomas Hall of WrestlingRumors):
Angle is rammed back first into the cage as Bad Influence keeps up their double teaming. He grabs a small package on Daniels but Kaz grabs the referee to prevent a count. A spinning springboard legdrop gets two on Angle but he pops up with the suplexes for everyone. We get Germans, belly to bellys and more Germans before Kaz breaks up the Angle Slam on Daniels. Kaz tries to leave but gets superplexed down, landing on Daniels in the process. Angle sends Daniels hard into the cage before the Angle Slam pins Kaz.

Winner – Kurt Angle

Dixie comes out and says leave the cage up. Bobby Roode comes in and is told he has a cage match tonight. Roode assumes it’s with Angle but it’s against Sting. Bobby freaks out as you would expect him to. Dixie promises to have him covered. Backstage, Angle is having pictures taken with some fans when Al Snow comes up in a car, saying Angle has to get to the airport for an emergency.