TNA Impact Wrestling Results (1/9) – Roode vs Sting, Who Is The Real Champion?

Samoa Joe finds Dixie Carter backstage and tells her she should take AJ Styles' comments seriously, then she asks if he is threatening her. He says no, but he will be there to watch over things, then she says if he is trying to scare her it's not going to work. Dixie says she should concentrate on his match with her nephew, Ethan Carter III, but Joe just says Ethan's blood will be on her hands and walks away. Eric Young is shown running outside with ODB in his arms, then Sting asks what happened, but Eric says he's going to the hospital and Sting goes to find answers.

James Storm tells Gunner to meet him in the ring, and he says he's been a part of some great tag teams, but he knows when you need to check your attitude. Gunner says he beat Storm fair and square, so Storm can keep his ego because he is just fine keeping his title shot briefcase. Storm says he knows how to fix this and tells Gunner to hang his case back above the ring, because he doesn't think it happens again. Storm asks what Gunner thinks about that, but Gunner just shakes his hand and says he's on, then Storm leaves the ring and says he's taking it back.

Ethan Carter III vs Samoa Joe

Ethan attacks Joe backstage and fights him out to the stage, then he applies a front facelock but Joe breaks it with some elbows and an atomic drop. Joe hits a backsplash before whipping him in the corner, then Ethan dropkicks his knee and slams his legs down before heading up top. Joe cuts him off and sets up a Muscle Buster, but Rockstar Spud runs out and grabs Joe's legs, then runs away as Joe chases him. Ethan hits Joe from behind as the ref rings the bell, but Ethan and Spud attack Joe's knees again before taunting him as they head backstage.

Result – No Contest