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NJPW Destruction In Hiroshima Results (9/15) Ishii/Omega. More.

FOURTH MATCH: Will Ospreay & The Besties (Chuckie T & Beretta) vs. Bullet Club Elite (Chase Owens, Yujiro Takahashi & Kota Ibushi)

Chuckie and Yujiro start the match by exchanging blows. Chuckie T rolls up Yujiro for two.

Chuckie T hits a Neckbreaker. Ospreay tags in. Beretta clears the apron. Chuckie T and Beretta floor Yujiro and hug. Ospreay hits a Corkscrew shooting star press for two. Chuckie T tags in.

Yujiro hits a Stun Gun. BC Elite beat up Chuckie T. Yujiro gets Chuckie T on the ropes. Yujiro gets a nearfall.

Yujiro throws Chuckie into Kota and Chase’s boots. Chase tags in. Chase hits a dropkick to the back. Chase covers for two.

Ibushi tags in. Ibushi stomps away on Chuckie T. Chase tags in. Chase rakes Chuckie’s eyes. Ibushi tags in. Ibushi and Owens hit a moonsault knee drop combo for two.

Ibushi and Chuckie trade blows. Chuckie hits a dropkick. Owens clears the apron. Chuckie hits Sole Food. Ospreay tags in. Ospreay hits a springboard enziguri. Ospreay hits a neckbreaker. Ospreay hits a standing shooting star press for two.

Ospreay hits a corner uppercut. Ibushi hits a Powerslam. Ibushi hits a moonsault for two.

Ospreay counters Final Bomb. Ospreay and Ibushi hit a series of headkicks. Owens tags in. Owens hits a neckbreaker for two.

Ospreay hits a Stunner. Beretta tags in. Beretta pummels Owens. Beretta hits an enziguri. Owens hit a back body drop. Beretta hits a rebound lariat. Beretta hits a corner elbow. Beretta hits a Tornado DDT. Beretta hits Gobstopper for two.

Ibushi breaks up Dudebuster. Beretta fights them off. Ibushi hits a mid kick. Owens hit a bulldog. Ibushi hits a Penalty Kick. Owens hits a rebound backbreaker. Beretta counters a Package Piledriver. Everyone gets thrown to the floor. Ospreay hits a huge no hands dive. Beretta & Chuckie T hit Strong Zero on Owens for the pinfall.