Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/20): Rousey Tries To Break Stephanie, Reigns Defends Against Bálor, The Shield Returns, More

In Ring Segment: The B-Team

Dallas and Axel dedicate their singles matches to Brooklyn tonight.

Scott Dawson w/Dash Wilder vs Bo Dallas w/Curtis Axel

Dawson sends Dallas into the top rope neck first. Dawson slingshots Dallas face-first into the bottom turnbuckle. Dawson tries a neck breaker. Dallas turns it into a pin. Dawson kicks out. Dallas fires up. Dallas tries his finisher. Dawson avoids it and hits the 187 for the win.

Winner- Scott Dawson

Dash Wilder w/Scott Dawson vs Curtis Axel w/Bo Dallas

The match started during the break. Wilder hits a backbreaker. Wilder mocks the B-Team chant.  Axel fires up and hit the running neck snap. Wilder hits the Gory Bomb for the win.

Winner- Dash Wilder

Backstage, Renee Young asks Reigns is he has any reservations defending the championship tonight. Reigns says this his yard and he is going to defend his title, no matter what.

Backstage, Stephanie and Corbin yell at Angle. Everything that just happened was Angle’s fault. Stephanie says Angle is tired and needs a vacation. Stephanie says it’s not permanent, but Corbin is now acting General Manager.