Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/20): Rousey Tries To Break Stephanie, Reigns Defends Against Bálor, The Shield Returns, More

Dean Ambrose w/Seth Rollins vs Dolph Ziggler w/Drew McIntyre

Ambrose goes behind Ziggler. Ziggler and Ambrose trade submission holds and pin attempts. Ambrose and Ziggler trade strikes. Ambrose floors Ziggler with a stiff chop. Back elbow by Ambrose for a near fall. Bodyslam by Ambrose. Ambrose hits the ropes but McIntyre grabs his foot. Ambrose gets in McIntyre’s face. Rollins pulls Ambrose away. Ambrose tries to get in the ring. Ziggler catches Ambrose with a dropkick.

Ambrose tumbles to the floor. After the break, Ziggler has Ambrose in a sleeper. Ziggler slaps Ambrose in the back of the head. Ambrose destroys Ziggler with a lariat. Ambrose stomps Ziggler in the corner. Ambrose shrugs off a Zig Zag. Ambrose sends Ziggler flying with a fallaway slam. Ambrose goes shoulder first into the ring post. McIntyre creeps towards Ambrose. Rollins dives through the ropes into McIntyre. Ziggler tries a leaping DDT. Ambrose tosses Ziggler in the air and hits Dirty Deeds for the win!

Winner- Dean Ambrose

Backstage, Braun Strowman holds up the MITB briefcase and tells Bálor good luck.

In Ring Segment: Elias

Elias plays a guitar solo. Elias says there is someone who is trying to sabotage him. Elias starts to play and Curt Hawkins comes out. Hawkins challenges Elias to a match. Elias calls Hawkins a loser and tells him to get the hell out of Brooklyn. Hawkins starts to walk away. Hawkins storms back down to the ring and challenge Elias again. Hawkins has lost 218 matches straight.

Elias vs Curt Hawkins

Hawkins rolls up Elias. Elias kicks out. Elias destroys Hawkin with a knee to the jaw. Elias works over Hawkins. Hawkins rolls Elias up. Elias kicks out. Elias surprises Hawkins with a high knee. Elias hits Drift Away for the win.

Winner- Elias