Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (8/20): Rousey Tries To Break Stephanie, Reigns Defends Against Bálor, The Shield Returns, More

Backstage, Corbin yells at Angle for not giving him what he wants. Angle says as long as Angle is the General Manager he will do what is best for the WWE Universe, not Corbin. Corbin says he is going to go talk to Stephanie McMahon because she is here tonight.

The Boss and Hug Connection and Ember Moon vs The Riott Squad

Banks and Riott start the match. Banks slaps Riott in the face. Thez Press by Banks. Banks tags in Bayley, who stomps Riott in the corner. Moon tags in and rolls up Riott. Riott kicks out and tags out immediately. Logan tags and eats a strike from Moon. Logan gets dumped to the outside. Banks dives onto Riott. Bayley splashes Morgan. Moon takes out Logan with a suicide dive. After the break, Bayley splashes Morgan in the corner.

Bayley tries another but Logan pulls Morgan out of the way. Riott pulls Bayley off the apron. Riott hits the STO out on the floor. The Riott Squad takes turns working over Bayley. Bayley manages to tag in Banks. Banks clears the ring. Double knees to the midsection by Banks. Morgan breaks up the pin. Moon hits a tornado suplex off the apron. Riott hits the Riott Kick on Banks for the win.

Winners- The Riott Squad