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WWE RAW Results (8/20): Rousey Tries To Break Stephanie, Reigns Defends Against Bálor, The Shield Returns, More

Bobby Lashley vs Baron Corbin

Lashley picks up Corbin and drops him to the mat. Corbin has to get tot he ropes to avoid getting thrown around. Corbin misses a clothesline. Lashley neck breakers Corbin. Corbin rolls out of the ring. Lashley bounces Corbin’s head off the apron. Lashley spears Corbin in the corner. Corner ten punches by Lashley. Corbin kicks Lashley in the knee. Corbin drives Lashley chest first into the barricade. Lashley leapfrogs Corbin and lands a clothesline. Lashley sets up a suplex. Corbin pushes Lashley out of the ring. Lashley takes a nasty spill out to the floor. Clothesline by Corbin.

After the break, Corbin has Lashley in a modified neck vice. Corbin sends Lashley into the corner shoulder first. Lashley returns the favor. Lashley and Corbin trade strikes. Belly-to-belly by Lashley. Lashley runs into a back elbow. Spine buster by Lashley. Corbin surprises Lashley with a right hand. Corbin sits Lashley on the top rope. Lashley knocks Corbin off the top. Lashley dives off the top but Corbin catches Lashley by the throat. Choke breaker by Lashley. Corbin tries the dipsey doo clothesline. Lashley kicks Corbin in the gut. Lashley hits his finisher for the win.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

Backstage, Paul Heyman comes into Angle’s office. Heyman says Lesnar wants to invoke his rematch clause. Angle says he read Lesnar’s contract and it doesn’t say when Lesnar will get his rematch. Angle says right now he has a fighting champion and Lesnar will not get his rematch for a very, very, very long time.