Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (7/30): Brock Lesnar Returns, Rollins Battles McIntyre, More

Braun Strowman vs Jinder Mahal w/Sunil Singh

Strowman tosses Mahal across the ring. Owens appears from the crowd and steals the MITB briefcase. Strowman is counted out chasing Owens around. Owens tosses the briefcase at Sunil Singh. Strowman runs over Singh and picks up the briefcase.

Winner- Jinder Mahal

Backstage, Corbin tells Angle that Stephanie wants to talk to him.

Backstage, Roode attacks Mojo Rawley.

Apollo Crews w/ Titus Worldwide vs Akam w/Rezar

Akam double legs Crews. Belly-to-belly by Akam. Akam picks up Crews and tosses him to the other side of the ring. Crews lands a series of kicks, followed by the leaping clothesline. Standing moonsault by Crews. Akam misses a splash in the corner. Crews rolls up Akam for the win!

Winner- Apollo Crews