Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 11 Results (7/30) Okada In Action In Main Event

NINTH MATCH: A Block Match: Hiroshi Tanahashi (8 pts) vs. YOSHI-HASHI (2 pts)

They lock up. They trade wristlocks. Tanahashi works over YOSHI-HASHI’s shoulder. YOSHI-HASHI gets Tanahashi on the ropes and beats on him. Tanahashi teases a Dragon Screw but instead elbows YOSHI-HASHI’s knee. Tanahashi hits a second rope crossbody. Tanahashi plays air guitar. Tanahashi body slams YOSHI-HASHI but misses an elbow drop. Tanahashi bodyslams YOSHI-HASHI and misses an elbow drop. Tanahashi reverses a draping dropkick. Tanhashi skins the cat but YOSHI-HASHI hits a dropkick. YOSHI-HASHI hits a back elbow for two.

YOSHI-HASHI locks in a chinlock. Tanahashi gets to the ropes. YOSHI-HASHI hits a brainbuster for two.

Tanahashi hits some forearms. YOSHI-HASHI chops Tanahashi’s chest. Both men trade chops. Tanahashi hits a flying forearm. Tanahashi bodyslams YOSHI-HASHI. Tanahashi hits a Somersault Senton for two.

YOSHI-HASHI hits Headhunter. Tanahashi counters a powerbomb. Tanahashi hits a Dragon Screw. Tanahashi goes for a Cloverleaf. YOSHI-HASHI fights out. YOSHI-HASHI hits an enziguri. YOSHI-HASHI hits a backcracker. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Running Powerbomb for two. YOSHI-HASHI climbs to the top rope. YOSHI-HASHI hits a Swanton for two.

YOSHI-HASHI goes for Karma but Tanahashi counters with Twist And Shout. YOSHI-HASHI counters Slingblade with Western Lariat for two.

YOSHI-HASHI hits a Fisherman Buster for two. YOSHI-HASHI goes for Karma but Tanahashi fights out. YOSHI-HASHI maintains wrist control and chops Tanahashi. Tanahashi hits ripcord Slingblade for two.

Tanahashi hits a Straight Jacket Suplex for two. Tanahashi climbs to the top rope. Tanahashi misses High Fly Flow. YOSHI-HASHI hits sliding double knees for two.

YOSHI-HASHI goes for Butterfly Lock but Tanahshi rolls up YOSHI-HASHI for the pinfall in 12:36.

WINNER: Hiroshi Tanahashi (10 pts)