impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (7/26): Scarlett Bordeaux Debuts, Brian Cage Defends The X-Division Title Against Matt Sydal, More

“The Bone Soldier” Taiji Ishimori vs Petey Williams 

Williams goes behind Ishimori. Ishimori counters into a wrist lock. Williams flips out of it and locks on a wristlock of his own. Ishimori rolls out of the hold an sends Willaims into the corner. Head scissors by William. In-and-out Codebreaker by Williams. Williams puts Ishimori in the tree of woe. Williams steps on Ishimori’s nuts and sings O’Canada. Ishimori slips to the apron, lands a head kick, then a senton off the top rope. Williams kicks out. Neck snap by Ishimori. Rear chin lock by Ishimori. Williams elbows his way out of it. Ishimori runs into a kick in the corner by Williams. German suplex followed by a side Russian leg sweep. Ishimori kicks out. Williams calls for the Canadian Destroyer. Ishimori surprises Williams with a handspring head kick. Williams kicks out at two. Shotgun dropkick by Ishimori. Ishimori lands Meteora. Ishimori misses the 450 off the top. Ishimori catches Williams with an inverted lung blower. Willaims kicks out. After a series of pin attempts Ishimori lands a high knee. DDGTS by Ishimori for the win.

Winner- Taiji Ishimori

After the match, Williams and Ishimori hug. Williams raises Williams’ hand. Gamma Singh and the Desi Hit Squad hit the ring and lay out Ishimori and Williams.
