Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 8 (7/26) Omega/Juice, SANADA/Ibushi, More.

MAIN EVENT: B Block Match: SANADA (4 pts) vs. Kota Ibushi (4 pts)

They lock up. Chain wrestling ensues. Neither man can maintain an advantage. Much quicker chain wrestling ensues. Both men retreat to their corners.

Ibushi takes SANADA down. Ibushi locks in a leg lock. SANADA counters with an armbar. Ibushi locks in a side headlock. SANADA locks in a side headlock. SANADA hits a shoulder block but Ibushi kips up. Ibushi hits a hiptoss. Ibushi hits a Huricanrana. SANADA slides to the floor. SANADA ducks the Golden Triangle Moonsault. SANADA hits a Golden Triangle Skull End. Both men fight to the entryramp. SANADA hits a running low dropkick. SANADA rolls Ibushi back in the ring.

SANADA attacks Ibushi’s legs. Ibushi fights back. SANADA hits a Dragon Screw. SANADA locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Ibushi reverses the pressure. Ibushi gets to the ropes.

SANADA stomps on Ibushi’s legs. Both men trade strikes. Ibushi hits a low dropkick. Ibushi hits a flurry of kicks. Ibushi hits a Standing Moonsault for two.

SANADA and Ibushi trade waistlocks. SANADA hits a dropkick. Ibushi slides to the outside. SANADA hits a slingshot crossbody. SANADA rolls Ibushi back into the ring.

SANADA climbs the top rope but Ibushi hits a Pele Kick. Both men fight on the top rope. SANADA sends Ibusi to the apron. Ibushi hits a springboard hurricanrana for two.

SANADA rolls to the outside. SANADA ducks a baseball slide. SANADA hits a low dropkick. Ibushi hits an Asai Moonsault. Ibushi rolls SANADA back in the ring.

Ibsuhi hits a springboard dropkick. SANADA counters a Last Ride. SANADA hits a springboard dropkick. Ibushi counters a German Suplex. SANADA counters a German Suplex. SANADA hits a Moonsault into Skull End. Ibushi slips out and hits a roundhouse kick. Ibushi goes for Kamigoye but SANADA counters. SANADA locks in Skull End. Ibushi rolls out and goes for a Lawn Dart. SANADA counters and Lawn Darts Ibushi. SANADA hits a Tiger Suplex for two.

SANADA hits a slam/ SANADA misses a Moonsault. Ibushi hits a Dropkick Double Stomp. Both men trade strikes. They fight to their feet. Ibushi hits a backslide. Ibushi hits a lariat. Ibushi hits a Last Ride Sitout Powerbomb for two.

Ibushi pulls down his kneepad. SANADA ducks Kamigoye. SANADA goes for Skull End. Ibushi counters. SANADA hits a neck twist for two.

SANADA locks in Skull End. SANADA hits Moonsault for the pinfall at 22:22.