Photo Credit: AXS TV

NJPW G1 Climax Night 8 (7/26) Omega/Juice, SANADA/Ibushi, More.

NINTH MATCH: B Block Match: Juice Robinson (0 pts) vs. Kenny Omega (6 pts)

The two champs shake hands to start.

They lock up. Omega locks in a waistlock. Juice counters with a wristlock. Omega reverses. Omega slams Robinson and teases attacking the injured hand. They trade side headlocks. Chain wrestling ensues. Juice locks in a tight headscissors. Omega handstands but Juice hits a mini piledriver.

Juice hits a headbutt. Juice hits another headbutt. Juice hammerthows Omega into the corner. Juice hits a corner lariat. Omega hits a Snap Hurricanrana. Juice slides to the floor. Juice blocks Rise Of The Terminator with a Slingshot Spear. Juice bodyslams Omega. Juice hits a senton for two.

Omega fights back. Juice hits a cross chop. Omega counters suplex with a wrist takedown. Omega hits Kotaru Krusher for two.

Omega hits a baseball slide on Juice at ringside. Juice rams Omega into the railing. Juice blocks a Moonsault. Omega blocks a Saito. Juice reverses a Suplex and hits a Suplex on the floor. Juice hits an Apron Run Cannonball. Juice throws Omega back in the ring. Juice hits a Flying Crossbody but Omega rolls through for a two count.

Juice hits Dusty Punches. Juice hits a chest chop. Omega kicks Juice’s hand. Juice hits a crescent kick. Juice hits a Full Nelson Bomb for two.

Omega dodges a Cannonball. Omega hits You Can’t Escape but Juice gets his knees up for the Moonsault. Juice hits Cannonball.Juice hits a Falling Powerbomb for two.

Juice goes for Pulp Friction. Omega and Juice roll through. Omega blocks a German Suplex and hits two V-Triggers. Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Omega hits a Snap Dragon Suplex. Juice blocks the third Snap Dragon. Omega counters with a Fujiwara Armbar. Juice fights to the ropes.

Juice dodges V-Trigger. Juice hits a German Suplex. Omega hits a German Suplex. Juice hits a lariat. Juice goes for Juice Box but Omega counters with a Reverse Hurricanrana. Omega goes for One Winged Angel but Juice counters with Juice Box for two.

Juice goes for Pulp Friction. Omega dodges and hit a V-Trigger. Omega hits Aoi Shoudou. Omega hits V-Trigger. Omega goes for One Winged Angel but Juice rolls him up for two. Omega hits V-Trigger. Omega hits One Winged Angel for the pinfall in 15:31.

WINNER: Kenny Omega (8 pts)