wwe extreme rules
Graphics / Type Treatment By Bill Pritchard

WWE Extreme Rules Results (7/15): New Champions Crowned, Lashley Battles Reigns, Who Is Raw’s Iron Man, More

Bobby Lashley vs Roman Reigns 

Lashley forces Reigns into the corner. The referee breaks it up. Lashley and Reigns lock up. Lashley takes Reigns down to the mat. Lashley tosses Reigns around the ring. Lashley is giving Reigns a wrestling lesson. Reigns catches Lashley with a back elbow. Uppercut by Reigns. Lashley backs into he corner. Reigns slams Lashley’s head into the top turnbuckle. Reigns blast Lashley with the drive by. Lashley kicks out. Reigns puts Lashley in a chin lock. Reigns sends Lashley into the barricade. Reigns sends Lashley into the ringsteps but Lashley jumps up on the steps. Reigns pushes Lashley off the steps. Reigns sends Lashley into the ring steps. Reigns tries to hits Lashley with the ring steps. Lashley catches the steps and sends Reigns flying. Huge clothesline by Lashley. Reigns goes into the ring. Lashley clotheslines Reigns, then tosses Reigns across the ring with a belly-to-belly suplex. Reigns catches Lashley with a boot. Leaping clothesline by Reigns. Reigns hits the ropes but Lashley catches Reigns in a power slam. Crossbody by Lashley.

Lashley goes up top. Flying ax handle by Lashley. Lashley is about to suplex Reigns but Reigns counters. Reigns picks up Lashley for a Samoan drop. Lashley hooks the ropes. Reigns throws Lashley over the top to the outside. Reigns leg drops Lashley as he gets back in the ring. Reigns calls for the Spear. Lashley turns it into a spine buster. Delayed vertical suplex by Lashley. Reigns kicks out. Lashley sets up a Spear. Reigns Superman Punches Lashley. Lashley drops like he was shot with a sniper rifle. Lashley kicks out and rolls out of the ring. Reigns charges in for a Spear. Lashley catches Reigns and belly-to-belly suplexes Reigns into the German announce table. Lashley goes up top. Reigns Superman Punches Lashley off the top! Reigns yells that it’s his yard. Reigns hits the ropes and Lashley hits a Spear! It’s over.

Winner- Bobby Lashley

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