wwe extreme rules
Graphics / Type Treatment By Bill Pritchard

WWE Extreme Rules Results (7/15): New Champions Crowned, Lashley Battles Reigns, Who Is Raw’s Iron Man, More

Tables Match: The New Day vs SAnitY

As soon as the bell rings a huge brawl breaks out. New Day clears the ring. Big E. sends Dain into the ring steps. New Day collectively pulls a table from under the ring. Young and Wolfe attack New Day from behind. Wolfe and Young stomp Big E. in the middle of the ring. Wolfe saves Young from going through the table. Big E. tries to spear them both into a table but Young and Wolfe knee Big E. in the face. Neck breaker by Wolfe. Young lands a diving elbow off the top. Wolfe and Young try to throw Big E. over the top through a table. Kingston and Woods make the save.

Woods and Kingston dive to the outside onto Young and Wolfe. Dain hits a suicide dive into Woods and Kingston. SAnity stacks two tables on top of each other. Big E. and Woods hit the uranage/backstabber combo on Dain. Big E. and Woods set up the tower of doom. Kingston hits a double stomp to take Young and Wolfe over. Dain Michinoku Drivers Woods onto Big E. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise on Dain. Kingston sets up a German off the apron. Wolfe holds Kingston by his legs on the apron. Young elbow drops Kingston through the table.

Winners- SAnitY

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