WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (7/10): Battle Of The Sexes II, Huge Ten Man Tag Main Event, Final Hype For Extreme Rules

Shinsuke Nakamura vs AJ Styles

Before the match, Rusev and Aiden English come to ringside. Rusev distracts Styles and Nakamura attacks him from behind. Nakamura hits the rope and runs right into a dropkick by Styles. After the break, Styles sets up the Phoenmainal Forearm but Nakamura sweeps Styles legs. Styles falls to the outside. Running knee strike by Nakamura. Nakamura gets a near fall. Nakamura puts Styles in a cobra clutch. Styles fights to his feet but Nakamura knees him in the gut and hits an ax kick. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Styles turns it into a roll up. Nakamura kicks out. Styles kicks Nakamura in the head. Nakamura sits Styles on the top rope. Running knee by Nakamura. Styles kicks out again.

After the break, Nakamura tells Styles to come one. Styles picks up Nakamura and hits the Ushigoroshi for a two count. Styles tries the Styles Clash but Nakamura reverses it into a triangle choke. Styles rolls into a pin that forces Nakamura to release the hold. Styles backflips out of Nakamura’s reverse exploder. Styles tells Nakamura to come one. Nakamura charges in and Styles sends Nakamura to the outside. Phoenominal Forearm to the outside by Styles. English gets in Styles face. Styles decks English. Nakamura goes for the Kinshasa but Styles moves out of the way. Nakamura destroys English with the Kinshasa. Rusev pulls Styles off the apron to cause a disqualification.

Winner- AJ Styles

After the match, Rusev holds Styles in place so Nakamura can hit another Kinshasa. Jeff Hardy hits the ring to make the save. Paige turns this into a tag team match.