WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (7/3): Team Hell No vs The Usos, Asuka Battles Ellsworth, More

Backstage, Jeff Hardy says… stuff about the symbol that is the eagle. Hardy carries this symbol with great pride. The challenge is now, open.

Backstage, Asuka says it doesn’t matter if she faces a man or a woman. They will all feel the pain. Ellsworth isn’t ready for ASUKA!

United States Championship Open Challenge: Jeff Hardy (c) vs The Miz

Miz knees Hardy in the gut. Hardy retreats to the corner. Miz stomps Hardy. Hardy surprises Miz with a jawbreaker. Hardy goes for the Twist of Fate. Miz escapes. Hardy goes up top. Miz rolls out of the ring. After the break, Hardy slams Miz into all four turnbuckles. Miz surprises Hardy with a running knee. Miz boots Hardy in the face and gets a near fall. Miz and Hardy trade strikes. Low dropkick followed by a basement dropkick for a near fall. Hardy sends Miz to the outside. Hardy catches Miz with a baseball slide. Hardy walks the barricade but Miz moves out of the way. Hardy goes face first into the barricade.

Hardy reverse dropkicks Miz. Miz and Hardy trade punches. Hardy tries the Hardyacarest. Miz gets a boot up. DDT by Miz. Hardy kicks out. Miz lands his corner clothesline. Miz goes up top. Hardy moves out of the way and hits the whisper in the wind. Miz kicks out. Miz rolls up Hardy as he tries to hit the Twist of Fate. Miz puts his feet on the rope. The referee sees it and stops the count. Miz and the referee argue. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate followed by the Swanton Bomb for the win!

Winner and STILL United States Champion, Jeff Hardy!