impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (6/28): Su Yung Makes A Statement, Rich Swann Debuts, More

Backstage, Callihan says he doesn’t have to think about it the answer is yes. Hair vs Mask.

Backstage, Aries debuts the new Impact Championship. Aries says no one cares about Moose’s story. Moose is going to fail at wrestling the same way he failed at football. Next week, Aries is going to tell his story. Moose can train as hard as he wants. What Moose should be doing is praying.

Tessa Blanchard vs Madison Rayne

Rayne and Blanchard tear into each other. Rayne is all over Blanchard. Blanchard rolls out of the ring. Blanchard gets back in the ring and destroys Rayne with a running elbow. Blanchard sends Rayne into the second rope. Rayne lands a sliding d to Rayne’s back. Dropkick to the back by Blanchard. Blanchard hits multiple short arm clotheslines. Blanchard gets a near fall after a Saito suplex. Modified abdominal stretch by Blanchard. Rayne rolls up Blanchard. Blanchard kicks out. Blanchard lifts Rayne and drops her after a delay vertical suplex. Rayne surprises Blanchard with a spinning head scissors. Sliding clothesline by Rayne for a two count. Blanchard traps Rayne in the corner. Blanchard lands the hangman’s complete shot for a long to count. Blanchard sends Rayne into the rope. Rayne explodes off the ropes and spears Blanchard. Rayne and Blanchard trade strike. Big boot by Rayne. Rayne sets up the ripcord cutter. Blanchard blocks it and stomps Rayne into the corner. Blanchard goes nuts and pulls Rayne out of the corner. Blanchard sets up a half nelson suplex. Rayne counters into a crucifix bomb for the win!

Winner- Madison Rayne

After the match, Blanchard attacks Rayne. Blanchard gets a steel chair. Su Yung and the undead bridesmaids come to the ring. Blanchard rolls out of the ring. The undead bridesmaids surround Rayne. Yung instructs the bridesmaids to attack Rayne. Yung picks up Rayne. Allie hits the ring and makes the save.

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