WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (6/27): Ciampa Challenges Black, Huge Six Man Tag Main Event, More

Backstage, Vanessa Borne says she doesn’t understand why Kairi Sane dresses like a pirate or why we all like her. Borne says she is going to beat Sane next week.

Kona Reeves vs Max Umberto

Reeves takes Max down with a side headlock. Reeves sends Max to the outside. Reeves punches Max int he head on the apron. Reeves sends Max into the corner and lays in stomp after stomp. Butterfly suplex followed by a falling elbow off the second rope by Reeves for a near fall. Max fires up but ends up running into a big boot. Reeves hit the Hawaiian Drop for the win.

Winner- Kona Reeves

Candice LeRae vs Lacey Evans

Evans grabs a side headlock. Evans floors LeRae after a shoulder tackle. LeRae gets to her feet but Evans runs over her again. Multiple arm drags (including one of the Japanese verity) LeRae gets a near fall. Evans ends up on the apron. Evans grabs LeRae’s hair and hits an arm breaker. Evans slams LeRae’s arm into the ring post. Evans works over LeRae’s arm. LeRae surprises Evans with a quick roll up but Evans kicks out. Evans slams LeRae down by her arm. Evans lands her headstand broncobuster for a near fall. Evans locks in a cobra clutch. LeRae fights out of the hold. Rolling neck snap by LeRae. Evans gets back to her feet just in time to eat a dropkick from LeRae. LeRae lands a few elbows and chops with her good arm. LeRae blast Evans with a diving facebuster off the second rope. LeRae hits the Unprettier. LeRae crushes Evans with a springboard moonsault for the win!

Winner- Candice LeRae

Backstage, Johnny Gargano says Candice LeRae is his favorite wrestler. Gargano says it’s hard to focus on his wife’s match when he can’t stop thinking about Ciampa. Gargano is going to go to talk to Mr. Regal. Gargano says this ends when Ciampa does.