Photo Credit: WWE

WWE RAW Results (6/25): Huge Intercontinental Championship Match, More

After the break, Rollins lands the Ripcord Knee. Ziggler gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the pin. Rollins tries to powerbomb Ziggler on the apron. Ziggler escapes and hits a leaping DDT on the apron! Rollins rolls back in the ring right before the referee counts him out. Ziggler calls for the Superkick. Rollins reverses that into a buckle bomb. Basement superkick by Rollins. Ziggler kicks out! Rollins mounts the top rope. Ziggler tries to cut Rollins off. Rollins pushes Ziggler off the top. Rollins lands a huge frog splash! Rollins only gets a two count. Rollins misses the stomp. Ziggler misses the Zig Zag. Rollins rolls up Ziggler. Ziggler reverses it and grabs the tights. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler hits the Zig Zag. Rollins kicks out. Ziggler tries a superplex Rollins tries to reverse it into a suplex to the outside. Rollins hits a superplex into a falcon arrow. McIntyre pulls the referee out of the ring. McIntyre attacks Rollins to cause a disqualification.

Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion, Dolph Ziggler

After the match, Ziggler and McIntyre try to beat down Rollins. Reigns hits the ring and makes the save.

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