WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (6/19): Huge Number One Contenders Match, Fall Out From MITB, More

Backstage, Renee says Nakamura requested this time explain his loss to AJ Styles this past Sunday night. Nakamura says the only reason Styles is still WWE Champion is because the referee counted very fast and didn’t count in Japanese. It’s all very unfair. Renee asks what’s Nakamura’s response to Jeff Hardy’s comments from earlier tonight. Nakamura says, “who”? Renee yells “Jeff Hardy!” Nakamura tells Renee she doesn’t have to yell. Hardy said his eyes were open now. If Hardy crosses Nakamura, Nakamura will close them for him.

Smackdown Tag Team Championship Match: The Bludgeon Brothers vs Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson

Gallows pounds on Rowen in the corner. Anderson tries to dive onto Harper, but Harper catches Anderson and sends him into the ring steps. Rowen spin kicks Gallows. Rowen superplexes Harper. Anderson breaks up the pin. Harper and Rowen facebuster Anderson on the ring apron. Running splash by Rowen to Gallows. Gallows kicks out. Harper and Rowen take turns beating down Gallows. Gallows manages to tag in Anderson. Anderson hits a splash on Harper. Anderson spine busters Harper! Anderson gets a two count. Anderson sends Rowen to the outside but Anderson runs right into a Boss Man Slam by Harper. Anderson somehow kicks out. Harper and Rowen hit an assisted sit-out powerbomb on Anderson for the win.

Winners and STILL Tag Team Champions, The Bludgeon Brothers!

Daniel Bryan makes his entrance as Harper and Rowen are walking up the ramp. Bryan stops in between them and Harper and Rowen stare Bryan down. Bryan eventually makes his way to the ring.