WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money in the Bank (6/17): New Champion Crowned, Who Won The Men’s And Women’s MITB Matches?, More

Nakamura pulls a table from under the ring. Styles falls face first on the leg of the table. Nakamura sets up the table in the middle of the ring. Nakamura sets Styles on the top turnbuckle. Nakamura tries a superplex. Styles slips down and tries to powerbomb Nakamura. Nakamura escapes and gourd busters Styles on the point of the table. Nakamura grabs Styles by the head and tosses him headfirst into a table. Styles gets up at 9.5. Nakamura is livid-ish. Nakamura tries to slam Styles into the exposes turnbuckle. Styles blocked it. Nakamura sits Styles on the top rope. Nakamura tries a running knee but Styles moves out of the way. Nakamura slams his knee in the exposed turnbuckle. Styles kicks Nakamura in his knee multiple times. Styles stomps Nakamura’s injured knee. Styles puts Nakamura in a calf crusher. Nakamura taps but it doesn’t matter. The referee starts to count Nakamura out. Nakamura gets to his feet at seven.

Styles grabs a steel chair from the timekeeper’s section. Styles takes the chair and slams it into Nakamura’s knee. Styles hits Nakamura in the back, then in the knee again with the chair. Nakamura is begging Styles to stop. Styles goes to hit Nakamura with the chair again. Nakamura low blows Styles! Styles use the announce desk to pull himself up. Nakamura Kinshasa Styles. Styles gets to his feet at 9. Nakamura brings Styles onto a table. Nakamura’s knee gives out. Styles pushes Nakamura off the table. Styles hits a Phenomenal Forearm off the table. Styles hits the Styles Clash off the ring steps! Nakamura gets to his feet at 9.9. Nakamura tells Styles to come on. Styles kicks Nakamura in the nuts. Styles dives from in the ring to the outside and puts Nakamura through a table with a Phoenminoal Forearm. Styles beat the count. Nakamura can’t isn’t moving.

Winner and STILL WWE Champion, AJ Styles!


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