WWE Money In The Bank Results

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Last Man Standing Match For The WWE Championship: AJ Styles (c) vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura and Styles circle each other. Styles and Nakamura lock up. Nakamura takes over Styles. Nakamura misses a head kick. Styles lights Nakamura up with chops and elbows. Nakamura hits the rope and Styles dropkicks Nakamura out of his boots. Walking backbreaker by Styles. The referee counts but Nakamura gets to his feet. Styles sends Nakamura to the outside. Diving elbow to the outside by Styles. Nakamura gets to his feet at five. Styles sends Nakamura into the barricade. Nakamura reverses a suplex by Styles into a suplex of his own. Styles lands on the diamond plating on the ramp. Running knee by Nakamura. Nakamura dives off the apron and stomps on the back of Styles head. Styles rolls into the ring. Nakamura kicks Styles in the gut. Leaping knee by Nakamura. Nakamura stages Styles with a kick to the chest. Styles gets to his feet at the five count. Bad vibrations by Nakamura. Styles holds Nakamura’s foot and gets to his feet. Nakamura catches Styles with a spin kick. Styles uses the ropes to get to his feet before the six count. Nakamura sits Styles on the top rope. Running knee strike by Styles. Styles falls to the outside.

Nakamura sends Styles headfirst into the ring steps. Nakamura gives Styles bad vibrations on the ring steps. Styles sends Styles into the crowd. Nakamura kicks Styles in the face multiple times before kneeing Styles in the gut. Styles tries to fire up Styles drops Nakamura with a right hand. Styles kicks Nakamura in the chest before sending him back to the ringside area. Styles tries to leap off the barricade but Nakamura kicks Styles legs out from under him. Styles lands hard on the floor. Styles gets to his feet to break the count. Nakamura sends Styles back into the ring. Nakamura tries the reverse exploder but Styles lands on his feet. Nakamura dives off the top but Styles dropkicks Nakamura in midair. Both men are down. The referee gets to an eight count before they both get to their feet. Phoenominal blitz by Styles. Wheelbarrow facebuster by Styles. Styles sort misses a Pelé kick. Reverse exploder by Nakamura. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa but Styles hits an elbow. Both men are up at seven. Fireman’s neck breaker by Styles. Styles tries the Phenomenal forearm again. Nakamura kicks Styles legs out from under him again. Styles falls to the outside. Nakamura suplexes Styles on the barricade. Nakamura plants Styles on the announce desk. Nakamura runs the length of all three announce desk and hits a Kinshasa on Styles. Styles rolls off the table at nine to break the count.
