WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money in the Bank (6/17): New Champion Crowned, Who Won The Men’s And Women’s MITB Matches?, More

Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match: Naomi vs Sasha Banks vs Lana vs Becky Lynch vs Alexa Bliss vs Charlotte Flair vs Natalya vs Ember Moon

A huge brawl breaks out. Everyone ends up outside of the ring. Flair sends Moon into the crowd. Lynch dropkicks a ladder into Natty, then Flair. Lynch tries to get a ladder but Moon dives off the barricade and hits a standing senton. Moon slams Natty into the ring steps. Naomi hits the ring but Moon dropkicks her. Banks tries to hit Moon with a ladder but Moon dropkicks the ladder into Banks.  Step up enziguri by Moon. Banks tries to send Moon into a ladder. Moon stops it. Moon tries to send Banks into the ladder. Banks stops it. Moon hits a springboard splash onto Banks on top of the ladder. Lana hits the ring and X-Factors Moon on the point of the ladder. Natty body slam Lana on a ladder. Natty atomic buster Naomi on a ladder. Natty steps on Naomi’s back, the hits a basement dropkick. Flair hits the ring and lays into Natty with chops. Suplex by Flair. Flair tries to pick up a ladder but Lynch stops her. Flair and Lynch fight over the ladder. Noami leaps off the ladder Flair and Lynch are holding a clothesline Natty. Naomi dropkicks the ladder into Natty and Lynch. Naomi splashes Bliss on the outside of the ring. Naomi blockbusters Banks on the floor. Moon and Naomi fight over a ladder. While Moon and Naomi are holding it Lynch tries to climb it. Noami and Moon send Lynch into the corner, then hit her with the ladder. Moon and Naomi dropkick the ladder into Lynch. Naomi Chun Li kicks Moon. Moon hip tosses Naomi onto the ladder. Banks stacks Lana and Moon in the corner on a ladder. Banks hits a leaping knee strike on the both.

Banks tries to climb the ladder. Flair pulls Banks off the ladder. Flair neck breaker Banks. Flair tries to powerbomb Banks onto a ladder in the corner. Banks lands on the ladder and start to climb. Banks hits Meteora on Flair and Lynch. Bliss obliterates Lynch with a right hand. Lynch pulls Bliss off the ladder. Lynch and Banks fight on top of the ladder. Lana sets up a larger ladder next to the carnage. Moon starts to climb as well. Everyone is trying to climb over each other to get to the contract. Flair powebombs Moon onto a ladder. Flair tries to powerbomb Bliss. Bliss turns it into a sunset bomb. Bliss and Lana each try to climb the ladder. Bliss bad mouth Lana. Lana kicks Bliss in the head. Lana puts Bliss in the Accolade. Lana starts to climb. Naomi jumps onto the ladder. Naomi almost gets the case. Lynch pulls Naomi off. Lynch and Flair fight on top of the ladder. Bliss knocks over the ladder. Flair lands on her feet and spears Bliss. Fliar triers to climb but Banks hits a backstabber. Naomi pulls Banks off. Lana puls Naomi off. Natty pulls Lana off the ladder and electric chair drops her.  Natty tries to climb but Moon dropkicks Natty out of nowhere. Flair spears Moon into the ladder. Lynch exploder suplxes Flair. Bliss tips the ladder over. Bliss climbs the ladder and pulls down the case for the win.

Winner- Alexa Bliss


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