WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money in the Bank (6/17): New Champion Crowned, Who Won The Men’s And Women’s MITB Matches?, More

Backstage, Kingston asks Woods if he is ok after eating all of those peppers at E3. Woods says he is ok. They need to figure out who will be in the match later. Kevin Owens walks in and Big E. tells him to get out. Owens says he has come bearing gifts. Owens dumps out a bag full of pancakes. Owens even has syrup. Owens asks New Day to take out Braun Strowman. Owens says he likes cereal instead of pancakes. The New Day is appalled. Owens says he can’t stand pancakes or Chicago. Big E. grabs the syrup from Owens and they tell him to get out.

Sami Zayn vs Bobby Lashley

Zayn runs around the ring to avoid Lashley. Zayn manages to send Lashley to the outside. Zayn sends Lashley into the barricade. Zayn takes Lashley and whips him headfirst into the ring post. Lashley is almost counted out. Zayn stomps Lashley. Zayn blast Lashley with a few crossface strikes. Lashley runs into a boot by Zayn. Zayn tries a cross body. Lashley catches Zayn. Lashley hits a fallaway slam. Running corner clothesline by Lashley. Lashley follows that up with a spear in the corner. Zayn hits the ropes and Lashley spine busters him out of his boots. Lashley picks up Zayn hit delay verticle suplexes him. Lashley hits another delay vertical suplex (per the crowd’s request). Canadian backbreaker by Lashley. Lashley hits another delay vertical suplex for the win.

Winner- Bobby Lashley