WWE Money In The Bank Results

WWE Money in the Bank (6/17): New Champion Crowned, Who Won The Men’s And Women’s MITB Matches?, More

Main Card:

Daniel Bryan vs Big Cass

Bryan drives Cass into the corner. Bryan hits a few strikes. Cass pushes Bryan across the ring. Bryan drops down and almost puts Cass in a heel hook. Cass escapes. Bryan tries to heel hook Cass again. Cass kicks Bryan away. Cass whips Bryan into the corner. Bryan flips over the top rope. Cass pushes Bryan off the apron. Bryan goes head first into the barricade. Cass press slams Bryan into the apron. Cass sends Bryan back into the ring. Cass lays in a few right hands. Bryan tries to fire up but Cass puts Bryan in a bearhug. Bryan fights out of the hold. Cass knocks Bryan into the corner. Cass sends Bryan into the corner. Bryan backflips over Cass. Bryan tries a clothesline but Cass turns it into a Boss Man Slam for a near fall. Cass charges in but Bryan drop toe holds Cass into the turnbuckle. Bryan kicks Cass in the knee over and over again. Bryan hits two dragon screw leg whips. Cass rolls out to the apron. Bryan slams Cass’ knee into the ring apron.

Bryan drags Cass to the ring post. Bryan slams Cass’ knee into the ring post over and over again. Bryan goes up to and dropkicks Cass in the back. Cass falls into the corner. Bryan hits two running dropkicks in the corner. Bryan tries another, but Cass tries to turn it into a sidewalk slam. Bryan turns that into a head scissors. Bryan transitions into the Yes! Lock! Cass gets to the ropes. Cass rolls out of the ring. Bryan dives off the top and clotheslines Cass. Bryan goes back up top. Cass crotches Bryan on the top rope. Cass punches Bryan in the face. Cass hits a fallaway slam off the second rope. Bryan kicks out! Cass puts Bryan in a torture rack. Bryan tries to punch his way out of it. Cass hits a modified burning hammer. Bryan kicks out. Cass tries a running boot but Bryan moves out of the way. Bryan chop blocks Cass twice. Bryan lands the Yes! Kicks. Cass grabs Bryan by the throat. Bryan responds with a dropkick to the knee. Bryan calls for the running knee. Cass reverses it into a flapjack. Running boot by Cass. Bryan kicks outyet again. Cass puts Bryan in another torture rack. Bryan escapes and hits the running knee. Bryan puts Cass in the heel hook. Cass taps out!

Winner- Daniel Bryan

