Dustin Rhodes Opens Up About Missing Dusty
Dustin Rhodes aka Goldust opened up about the death of his father, the legendary Dusty Rhodes. It’s been 3 years since Dusty passed away and Goldust spoke about how much he missed his late father:
Been an especially hard year for me. 3 yrs. ago we lost our dad. Every damn day, I wish I could see you, or pick up the phone and call you. God , I miss you dad. You are the strongest, greatest man I ever knew. I love you pops. #DreamingInHeaven #HardTimes #RhodesFamily pic.twitter.com/MHPahL9iTJ
— Dustin Rhodes (@dustinrhodes) June 11, 2018
RELATED: Goldust Comments On WWE Performance Center Recruiting
The Bella Twins’ Mom Fulfills Her Dream
WWE’s YouTube channel posted the following video:
Brie and Nikki Bella encourage their mom to conquer her fears and finish her stint as a University of Tampa guest weather forecaster.