WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (5/29): Big Cass Returns, Mandy Rose vs Asuka, Who Qualified For Money In The Bank?

The Miz & The Bar vs The New Day 

Big E slams Cesaro down and Kofi tags in before Cesaro backs into his corner. We get back from a break to see The Miz working over Kofi before tagging Sheamus in. The Bar and Miz work Kofi over for quite a while, then Kofi finally knocks Miz down and Woods gets the hot tag. Woods takes Sheamus down before hitting Miz with an enziguiri, then he slams Sheamus into the ringpost and uses Sheamus’ back to step up and dive onto Cesaro on the floor.

Woods heads up top and Miz distracts him, then Sheamus kicks Woods in the stomach as Kofi dives on Miz, followed by Cesaro tackling Kofi. Cesaro tags in and hits an assisted axe handle smash for two, then goes for a Neutralizer but Woods backdrops him and Big E comes in and tackles him for a close near fall. Miz runs in and things break down, then Woods gets thrown into the barricade by The Bar before Kofi dives on them all. While all this is going on, Miz runs into a Big Ending from Big E, and The New Day picks up the win.

Winners – The New Day

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson cut a promo about being more prepared than ever to be Smackdown Tag Team Champions. Gallows says they patched things up with The Usos, and Anderson says they are going to beat The Bludgeon Brothers like they are a bunch of… the feed cuts out. Harper and Rowan respond by saying bodies will be liquified, and prepare for the Bludgeon Brothers.

Mandy Rose vs Asuka 

Sonya Deville runs out and attacks Asuka before the bell, but Asuka says she’s OK to compete. Mandy tackles her in the corner right at the bell, then the ref backs her away and Asuka connects with some kicks to the midsection. Mandy fires back and hits an inverted fallaway slam, then she whips Asuka into the corner and hits a dropkick. Mandy hits a leaping knee and gets two, then Asuka makes a comeback that ends with Mandy tapping to the Asuka Lock.

Winner – Asuka

Carmella gets in the ring and holds her title in Asuka’s face, but leaves without incident.