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ROH’s Honor United: London Results (5/26): Huge Six Man Tag Titles Match, Cody vs Kenny King, TV Title Four-Way & More

ROH Honor United: London

Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, London, England

May 26th, 2018

WrestleZone is LIVE in London for tonight’s ROH Honor United show, and we’ll be bringing you all of the latest results and coverage from the event. Cody, The Young Bucks, Bully Ray, Tenille Dashwood, Jay Lethal and many more will be appearing tonight as Ring of Honor attempt to follow up on a strong Edinburgh opener in their ongoing UK tour. We also conducted exclusive interviews with the aforementioned Lethal & Page, and they’ll be available through WrestleZone Radio in the next few days.

RELATED: ROH TV Ep 347 Recap: Young Bucks v. Briscoes For ROH Tag Titles, Bully Ray Fired, Motor City Machine Guns v. Dawgs, Klein v. Madison Rayne


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