Best of Super Juniors Night 2 Results (5/19) Live In Progress

FOURTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (SANADA & BUSHI) vs. Bullet Club (Taiji Ishimori & Chase Owens)

Ishimori and BUSHI start the match. Owens sneak attacks BUSHI, but BUSHI fights off the double team and hits a double hurricanrana. Ishimori flips out of a second hurricanrana and hits a dropkick.

BUSHI hits a Tilt-A-Whirl Headscissors. SANADA tags in. SANADA floors Ishimori. BUSHI tags in and hits a wheel kick. Owens pulls BUSHI out of the ring and slams him on the apron. Owens tags in and walks on BUSHI.

Owens corners BUSHI. Owens counters a Crossbody with a Double Knee Gutbuster for two. Ishimori tags in and rips BUSHI’s shirt. Ishimori hits a neck twist. Ishimori hits a Death Valley Driver followed by a Shining Wizard. BUSHI fights back. SANADA and Owens tag in. SANADA hits a series of dropkicks.

SANADA goes for Paradise Lock but Owens fights out. Owens tries Paradise Lock but gives up. Owens asks Milano AT for help but still can’t get it.

SANADA hits a rolling cradle. SANADA locks in Paradise Lock. SANADA covers for two.

Owens hits a Thrust Kick. Owens and Ishimori double team SANADA. Owens hits a Shining Wizard for two.

Owens goes for the Package Piledriver but BUSHI breaks it up. BUSHI hits a rebound enziguri. SANADA locks Owens in Skull End. Owens submits.

WINNERS: Los Ingobernables de Japon

FIFTH MATCH: Dragon Lee vs. Sho (B Block)

They start with a flurry of strikes. The exchange shoulder tackles until Dragon Lee finally falls. Dragon hits a gut kick. A series of hurricanrana counters ends in a staredown.

Test of Strength sees Sho try for an armbar. Dragon Lee gets to the ropes. Sho sends Dragon Lee to the apron and then dropkicks him to the floor. Sho tries to break Dragon Lee’s arm over the ring apron.

Back in the ring, Sho hits a Kitchen Sink and a kick to the back. Sho locks in a Cobra Twist. Sho dominates Dragon Lee. Dragon Lee hits a huirricanrana and a Tope Con Hilo. Back in the ring, Dragon Lee hits a Butterfly Driver onto Knee, a sliding kick and then a submission attempt. Dragin Lee breaks and beats on Sho. Sho hits a dropkick.

The two exchange forearms. Dragon Lee clotheslines Sho over the top rope. The two exchange forearms at ringside. They break the count at 19. They continue to exchange forearms. Sho hits a German Suplex. Dragon Lee hits a German Suplex. Sho hits two rolling German Suplexes. Dragon Lee hits a Standing Spanish Fly for two.

Sho hits a backcracker and locks in an armbar. Dragon Lee fights to the ropes. Sho twists Dragon Lee’s arm around repeatedly. Dragon Lee locks in a Fujiwara Armbar. Sho fights to the ropes.

Dragon Lee attacks Sho’s injured arm. Dragon Lee goes for an apron Hurricanrana but gets powerbombed into the ring. Sho hits a Last Ride Lungblower for two. Sho locks in an armbar. Dragon Lee fights to the ropes.

Sho goes for a top rope German Suplex but Dragon Lee fights out. Dragon Lee hits a Double Stomp for two.

Sho and Dragon Lee exchange knee strikes. Sho goes for an armbar but Dragon Lee hits Desnucadora for the pinfall.

WINNER: Dragon Lee (2)

SIXTH MATCH: Ryusuke Taguchi vs. El Desperado (B Block)

Desperado attacks Taguchi to start. Desperado rakes Taguchi’s eyes. Desperado chokes Taguchi with his scarf. Desperado counters a hip attack with an atomic drop. Taguchi hits a hip attack. Taguchi chokes Desperado with his shirt. Taguchi peppers Desperado with strikes. Taguchi ducks a low dropkick. Taguchi hits multiple hip attacks and a 619. Desperado crotches Taguchi on the second 619 attempt.

Desperado throws Taguchi out of the ring. Desperado attacks Taguchi’s crotch with chairs.

Back in the ring, Desperado throws Taguchi into an exposed turnbuckle. Desperado grabs a spike and attempts to ram it up Taguchi’s rear but the referee stops him.

Taguchi gets crotched on the top rope. Desperado covers for two. Desperado attacks Taguchi’s legs. Taguchi fights back. Desperado goes for a Butterfly Facebuster but Taguchi fights back with a Blue Thunder Bomb. Taguchi knocks Desperado off the apron with a hip attack. Taguchi hits a Plancha. Taguchi hits a springboard hip attack. Taguchi hits Tope Con Hilo. Taguchi hits a springboard dropkick for two.

Taguchi hits a low dropkick. Taguchi locks in an ankle lock. Desperado fights out. Desperado hits a Spinebuster for two. Desperado locks in a Stretch Muffler. Taguchi fights to the ropes.

The two men exchange chest slaps. Desperado goes for a Guitarra Del Angel but Taguchi fights out. Desperado fights out of Dodon. Taguchi goes for a Guittara Del Angel. Taguchi goes for Dodon but Desperado rolls through, but rolls through too far and Taguchi covers for w two count.

Taguchi hits an Enziguri. Taguchi goes for Dodon. Desperado rolls up Taguchi for the pinfall.

WINNER: El Desperado (2)

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