impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (5/3) Su Yung Destroys Rosemary, X-Divison Title On The Line, More

Su Yung vs Rosemary

Yung attacks Rosemary on the ramp. Rosemary tosses Yung int the ring steps. Rosemary grabs Yung by the head and drives her into a chair. Rosemary whips Yung into the barricade. Yung gets to her feet. Yung chops Rosemary, then hits the Panic Switch on the floor! Rosemary is out cold.

Winner- No Contest

Yung motions to the stage. The undead bridesmaids bring a casket to ringside. Allie runs down to the ring and attacks Yung from behind. Rosemary tells Allie she has to leave. Allie says no. As Allie and Rosemary argue. Yung tells the bridesmaids to grab Allie. Yung wants to make Allie watch what happens to Rosemary. Rosemary fires up and grabs the kendo stick. Yung mist Rosemary in the face. Yung picks up Rosemary and Panic Switches her off the stage through a table. More bridesmaids come out and drag Rosemary back down to the ring. Yung puts Rosemary in the casket and closes the lid.

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