impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling Results (5/3) Su Yung Destroys Rosemary, X-Divison Title On The Line, More

Backstage, Aries runs into Drake. Aries says he is going to wish Drake luck on his title match. That said, no matter who wins Aries will be winning his title back. Aries tells Drake that he wants Drake to win because he knows he can beat him.

Footage is shown of Tommy Dreamer picking up Eddie Edwards from jail.

X-Division Championship Match: Matt Sydal vs Taiji Ishimori

Sydal works over Ishimori’s arm. Ishimori sends Sydal out of the ring. Ishimori sets up a dive by Sydal moves out of the way. Ishimori backflips off the middle rope. After the break, Sydal rolls up Ishimori for a near fall. Sydal works over Ishimori’s knee. Sydal locks Ishimori in an inverted deathlock. Ishimori hits the ropes but walks right into a spin kick from Sydal. Ishimori tries to fire up but Sydal kicks him in the knee. Ishimori surprises Sydal with a kick. Double knees by Ishimori. Headstand stomp by Ishimori, but Ishimori hurt his knee even more in the process. Death Vally Driver by Ishimori for a near fall. Ishimori misses the 450. Sydal hits the GTS kick for another near fall. Ishimori Crush Sydal with the tombstone double knees. Ishimori goes up top but Sydal cuts him off and hits a spinning package driver for the win!

Winner and STILL X-Divison Champion, Matt Sydal!

Tommy Dreamer tries to get Edwards to understand that his obsession is going to be the end of him.

Backstage, Allie tells Rosemary that she is going to be in her corner tonight. Rosemary says no multiple times. Rosemary says this isn’t what she wants but its how it has to be. Allie agrees.