WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (5/1): Shinsuke Nakamura Attacks AJ Styles, Final Hype For Backlash!

United States Champion Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton vs The Miz and Shelton Benjamin

The match started during the break. Orton works over Benjamin’s arm. Hardy tags in and hits an axehandle off the top onto Benjamin. Orton tags back in and Benjamin lands a stiff kick to the gut. Benjamin misses a splash in the corner. Orton almost hits the RKO. Benjamin manages to turn it into the dragon whip for a near fall. Benjamin and Miz take turns beating down Orton. Orton manages to hit a back suplex on Miz. Orton tags in Hardy, who lands a leg drop to Miz’ crotch. Hardy sets up the Twist of Fate but Miz pushes Hardy into Benjamin.

Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Benjamin. Hardy goes up top but Miz hooks his leg. Benjamin hits a running knee to Hardy’s head. Miz pushes Hardy off the top rope. After the break, Miz and Benjamin are working over Hardy. Hardy manages to tag in Orton. Orton power slams Benjamin. Orton sends Miz to the outside and suplexes him onto the announce table. Orton hits a double hangman’s DDT on Benjamin and Miz. Orton calls for the RKO. Orton RKOs Benjamin. Orton tags in Hardy, who crushes Benjamin with a Swanton Bomb for the win!

Winners- Jeff Hardy and Randy Orton

After the match, Orton RKOs Hardy!