New Japan Wrestling Hi No Kuni Results (4/29) Naito/Suzuki, LIJ/Killer Elite Squad, More

EIGHTH MATCH: IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Los Ingobernables de Japon (SANADA & EVIL) vs. Killer Elite Squad (Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

KES assault their opponents to start. Davey corners Sanada and chokes him with his boot, while Archer keeps EVIL in a seperate corner. EVIL and SANADA are both Irish Whipped and take the opportunity to forearm their opponents. SANADA feigns a dive to the outside and almost gets slammed on the floor. Archer chokeslams SANADA on the apron. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™. Davey sets up a table, but a Killer Bomb attempt is broken up by EVIL.

Back in the ring, Davey gets a nearfall on SANADA. Archer tag in. SANADA finally fights back, but eats a slam from SANADA for two.

Archer puts SANADA on the top rope. Archer lariats SANADA off the top rope. Archer gets back in the ring and pummels SANADA. Archer puts SANADA on the top rope. Archer attempts Blackout but SANADA fights out with a Missile Dropkick. Smith runs in but eats a dropkick. EVIL tags in. EVIL chops away on Archer. EVIL hits a spinning lariat, followed by a Bulldog. EVIL hits a senton for two. SANADA throws Smith out of the ring. EVIL and SANADA hit a double stalling suplex on Archer for two.

EVUK and SANADA go for Magic Killer but Smith breaks it up. Smith hits EVIL with a Deadlift German Suplex. SANADA hurricanrana’s Archer, sending him to the apron. SANADA tries to put Archer through the table but Smith breaks it up. KES hit EVIL with Killer Bomb from the apron through the table.

Back in the ring, Archer hits a Full Nelson Slam on EVIL for two. Smith tags in, but EVIL blocks the dropkick and Archer is down. Smith hits a slam on EVIL for two.

Smith locks in a Sharpshooter. EVIL fights to the ropes. Archer hits EVIL with a Fallaway Slam on the outside. Archer rolls EVIL back in the ring, where Smith gets a two count. Archer removes the turnbuckle pad and slams EVIL into the corner. KES throw EVIL into the corner again. Smith hits a top rope slam for two.

Smith peppers EVIL with punches. KES go for Killer Bomb but EVIL fights out. KES hit a Side Slam/Splash Combo. KES hit Magic Killer for two.

KES goes for Killer Bomb but SANADA breaks it up. SANADA locks Archer in Skull End, but Archer locks it in as well. SANADA reverses into Skull End but Smith breaks it up. Davey boy gets locked in Skull End and hit with a Lariat from EVIL for two.

LIJ hit Magic Killer but Archer pulls the referee out of the ring. Archer hits a Swinging Side Slam. Archer gets a chair. Archer wedges the chair in the corner. Archer tries to chokeslam both LIJ members but gets whipped into the chair. Archer rolls out of the ring. EVIL wraps a chair around Smith’s neck and hits him with another chair. EVIL hits a Reverse Death Valley Driver for two. EVIL hits EVIL for the pinfall.

WINNERS & STILL CHAMPIONS: Los Ingobernables de Japon.

MAIN EVENT: IWGP Intercontinental Heavyweight Champion Minoru Suzuki  vs. Tetsuya Naito

Naito teases a lock up but backs off. Naito teases another lock up, but backs off. Suzuki starts kicking at Naito’s legs, but Naito throws him out of the ring. Naito teases a dive but instead poses. Suzuki gets in the ring, Naito leaves, and Suzuki does the same dive tease and taunt.

Naito blocks a Yakuza kick with a Dragon Screw. Naito throws Suzuki into the barricade. Naito rolls Suzuki back in the ring and locks in a headscissors submission. Naito covers but Suzuki throws him off.

Naito kicks at a seated Suzuki. Naito begins to rain blows down on Suzuki’s head. Suzuki snaps and drives Naito to the canvas. Suzuki kicks Naito but Naito pops up smiling everytime.

Naito corners Suzuki. Suzuki locks in a rope-assisted armbar. Suzuki hits an Apron Run Penalty Kick to Naito. Suzuki throws Naito into and over the barricade. Suzuki breaks off a piece of ring barricade and proceeds to bury Naito under barricades and chairs. Suzuki locks Naito in a barricade-assisted armbar.

Suzuki beats on Naito at ringside and gets in the ring. Naito beats the countout at 19, but is immediately kicked around by Suzuki. Suzuki continues to throw stiff kicks at a seated Naito. Naito crumples to the canvas.

Suzuki locks in a painful submission but Naito gets to the ropes. Suzuki locks in a variation of Tequila Sunrise. Suzuki breaks the hold. Suzuki throws hard knee shots to Naito, but Naito keeps popping up. Naito fights back and hits a Forearm chop and a sliding dropkick.

Naito throws Suzuki into the corner. Naito hits a rope-hung neckbreaker. Naito hits a Sliding Dropkick.  Naito stands on Suzuki’s face and poses. Suzuki pops up to a sitting position.

Suzuki gets to his feet and abuses Naito’s torso with punches and kicks. Suzuki hits Penalty Kick after Penalty Kick after Penalty Kick but only gets a two count.

The two men fight to their feet and exchange staggering forearm strikes. Naito and Suzuki slap the hell out of each other’s chests. Suzuki floors Naito with a forearm strike. Naito fights back with a Flying Forearm Block.

Suzuki blocks a Yakuza Kick but gets hit with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Naito hits a Springboard Shotgun Dropkick. Naito goes for a top rope Hurricanrana but Suzuki reverses with a rope-assisted Single Leg Crab. The hold is broken, but Suzuki continues to attack the leg. Suzuki locks in a heel hook but Naito fights to the ropes.

Suzuki continues his assault on Naito’s knees. Suzuki locks in a Figure Four Leglock. Naito fights to the ropes. Naito hits a DDT out of nowhere. Naito gets Suzuki to the corner and hits a Tornado Reverse DDT for two.

Naito goes for Destino but Suzuki locks in a heel hook. Naito tries to fights to the ropes but Suzuki grags in center ring. Suzuki transitions to an Ankle Lock and grapevines the leg. Suzuki transitions to the Leglock. Suzuki transitions to the kneebar. Suzuki starts twisting Naito’s ankle into sickening positions, much like he did to injure Tanahashi. Suzuki locks it in deeper but Naito gets to the ropes.

Naito fights back but Suzuki locks in a sleeper. Naito fights out. Naito slaps the snot out of Suzuki. Naito possibly breaks Suzuki’s nose with a strike. Suzuki drops Naito and locks in a Sleeper. Reverse Snapmare is reversed into a Brainbuster. Naito hits Destino for the pinfall.