WWE Smackdown Live Results play by play

WWE Smackdown Live Results (4/10) Iconic Debuts, Carmella Cashes in, Styles v Bryan, More!

Number One Contenders Match: The Usos vs The New Day

Woods punches Jimmy in the head. Jimmy leapfrogs over Woods. Jimmy floors Woods with a spinning elbow. Jimmy and Jey hit the double head kick in the corner for a near fall. Big E tags in and belly-to-belly suplexes Jey. Woods lifts up Big E. in an electric chair and drops him on Jey. The New Day crush Jey in the corner with the unicorn stampede. After the break, Big E. misses a splash on the apron. Jey tags in Jimmy, who clears the ring. Jimmy sends Big E. over the top. Jimmy hits a splash over the top. Woods tries the Honor Roll but Jimmy catches Woods in the air and hits a Samoan drop.

The Usos try a tossing Samoan drop but Woods reverses it into a DDT. Big E. appears out of nowhere and spears Jey through the ropes. Woods lands a springboard leg drop on Jimmy for a near fall. Jey and Woods trade elbows in the ring. Woods hits the ropes and runs right into a superkick to the gut by Jimmy. Woods and Big E. hits a backstabber/uranage combo for another near fall. Big E. pulls down his straps for the Big Ending. Jimmy and Jey superkick Big E. Woods hits a dropkick off the top. Jey superkicks Woods. Jimmy hits the splash off the top for the win!

Winners and NEW Number One Contenders for the Smackdown Tag Team Championships, The Usos!

After the match, the Bludgeon Brothers walk out on the stage and point their hammers at the Usos… Wait, I didn’t mean that to sound like… ah forget it…