WrestleMania 34 Results: Brock, Rousey, Undertaker and More

Main Card:

Intercontinental Championship Match: The Miz (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Finn Bálor

Everyone arm drags everyone followed by multiple pin attempts by everyone. Rollins misses the stomp. Bálor clotheslines Rollins over the top rope onto Miz. Bálor hits a topé con hilo onto Rollins and Miz. Miz tries to sunset flip Bálor. Bálor rolls through and dropkicks Miz. Bálor leapfrogs over Miz. Rollins appears out of nowhere and hits a huge clothesline off the top onto Bálor. Rollins hits a double blockbuster off the top on Miz and Rollins. Miz hits his corner clothesline on Bálor. Miz lands a double axehandle off the top on Rollins. Miz puts Rollins in the sleeper. Neckbreaker by Miz. Bálor fires up and lands multiple clotheslines on Miz. Double foot stomp by Bálor. Bálor dropkicks Miz off the top. Bálor tries to sling blade Rollins but Rollins counters into a sling blade. Rollins dives onto Bálor and Miz. Bálor sling blades Rollins. Bálor tries a splash but Rollins superkicks him. Miz DDTs Rollins for a near fall. Rollins tries a springboard but Miz dropkicks him off the ropes. Bálor tries a springboard but Miz dragon screws Bálor in the ropes. Miz puts Bálor in a figure four. Rollins frog splash off the top to break up the submission.

Bálor tries to PK Rollins but Rollins grabs him for a powerbomb into the barricade. Bálor escapes and hits the sling blade on Rollins. Bálor shotgun dropkicks both Miz and Rolling into the barricade. After a kick exchange Bálor floor Rollins with the overhead kick. Bálor hit the 1916. Bálor goes up top. Miz cuts him off. Miz tries to superplex Bálor. Rollins pulls Miz off the top and hits the buckle bomb. Rollins superplexes Bálor but before he can hit the falcon arrow Bálor rolls him up for a near fall. Miz sneaks in and hits the Skull Crushing Finale on Rollins. Rollins kicks out! Bálor decks Miz with a head kick. Bálor goes up for his finish but once again Miz cuts him off. Bálor tries to hit the 1916 off the top. Rollins breaks it up. Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale off the top! Miz tries to pin Rollins but Bálor hits the Coup de Grâs on Miz to break the pin. Bálor hits the Coup de Grâs on Miz again. Rollins hit the Curb Stomp on Bálor as he is pinning Miz. Miz rolls over and Rollins Curb Stomps him! Rollins pins Miz!

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Seth Rollins!



John Cena is in the crowd chopping it up with the fans.

Smackdown Women’s Championship Match: Charlotte (c) vs Asuka

Asuka and Charlotte trade armbars. Charlotte flips out of it and pushes Asuka. Charlotte struts in front of Asuka. Charlotte drops down in a split as Asuka hits the rope to avoid Asuka’s attack.Charlotte tripe Asuka in a leg lock. Asuka escapes. Asuka tries a hip attack but Charlotte catches her. Asuka hip attacks Charlotte off the apron. Charlotte slowly gets in the ring. Asuka takes Charlotte down in another armbar. Asuka is focusing on Charlotte’s arm. Charlotte tries to roll out of it but Asuka holds on. Charlotte takes Asuka down into a backbreaker. Charlotte attempts to lock in the Asuka lock. Charlotte stays on her feet. Asuka holds onto Charlotte’s back. Charlotte hits a backpack stunner in the corner. Charlotte crushes Asuka with a knee to facebuster. Charlotte goes up top for a moonsault. Charlotte flips off the ropes right into a triangle by Asuka. Charlotte gets to her feet and counters into a Boston Crab. Asuka counters into a pin. Charlotte kicks out. Charlotte rolls up Asuka. Asuka kicks out.

Asuka slams Charlotte’s arm on the top rope. Asuka tries another hip attack but Charlotte moves out of the way. Charlotte kicks Asuka in the head. Charlotte and Asuka battle on the apron. Asuka suplexes Charlotte off the apron to the floor! Charlotte and Asuka are almost counted out. Charlotte and Asuka break the count. Charlotte yells at Asuka that she is the queen. Asuka unleashes a flurry of strikes on Charlotte. Asuka hits a missile dropkick off the top. Asuka stomps on Charlotte’s shoulder. Asuka goes up top but Charlotte cuts her off. Charlotte hits a Spanish Fly off the top! Asuka kicks out. Charlotte tries Natural Selection but Asuka counters into an Octopus hold. Charlotte reverses into a Figure Four attempt. Asuka kicks out of it. Asuka tries to lock in the Asuka lock. Charlotte escapes and hits a huge Spear. Asuka kicks out. Charlotte puts Asuka in the Figure Eight. Asuka taps… wait, WHAT?? Asuka taps?!?!?

Winner and STILL Smackdown Women’s Champion, Charlotte!

After the match, Asuka grabs a mic and says Charlotte was ready for Asuka. Asuka says congratulations and they hug.




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