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NJPW Sakura Genesis Results (4/1) Okada/Sabre, Ospreay/Scurll, Golden Lovers/Team Cody & More…

FOURTH MATCH: Hiroshi Tanahashi, David Finlay & Juice Robinson vs. CHAOS (Jay White, YOSHI-HASHI & Hirooki Goto)

White and Finlay start off with a flurry of forearms. Jay White slides out of the ring but gets sent into the barricade by Finlay. Finlay rolls Jay back into the ring and beats him down in the corner. Finlay hits a European Uppercut. Finlay stomps a mudhole in White.

White fights back and sends Finlay out of the ring. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Finlay gets rolled back in the ring. Yoshi-Hashi tags in. Yoshi-Hashi drapes Finlay on the ropes and hits a dropkick to his back. Goto tags in and helps Yoshi-Hashi beat down Finlay. Goto covers for two.

Goto locks in a chinlock. Finlay fights out. Finlay knocks White off the apron. Finlay hits Goto with a dropkick. Juice tags in. Juice clears the apron. Juice hits Dusty Punches on Hirooki Goto. Juice hits a Full Nelson Bomb. Robinson goes up top and hits a Flying Crossbody for two.

Juice goes for a Gutbuster but Goto fights back. Double Lariats staggers both men. Juice hits a huge corner lariat. Goto hits a spinning wheel kick. Goto hits Ushiguroshi. Tanahashi tags in. Yoshi-Hashi tags in.

Tanahashi hits a huge forearm. Tanahashi hits Dragon Screw. Yoshi-Hashi ducks Sling Blade and hits Headhunter. CHAOS triple teams Tanahashi. Bunker Buster/Ushiguroshi gets two.

Finlay runs in and hits a European Uppercut. White fights back but Finlay hits Blade Runner. Juice hits Goto with Pulp Friction. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade on Yoshi-Hashi. Tanahashi hits High Fly Flow for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson & David Finlay

FIFTH MATCH: Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA) vs. Suzuki-gun (Minoru Suzuki, Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

Suzuki-gun assault their opponents at the bell. Suzuki keeps Naito in the ring, where he beats on Naito. Naito spits at Suzuki. Naito hits an Inverted Atomic Drop. Dropkick from SANADA. Sliding Dropkick from Naito.

Suzuki corners Naito but EVIL tags in. Naito beats on Suzuki. EVIL rakes at Suzuki’s face. EVIL chops Suzuki. SANADA and Naito hold Suzuki in the corner as EVIL attacks. SANADA tags in. Suzuki tries to cheap shit Naito. SANADA hits a snapmare and an elbow drop for a one count.

Naito tags in. The two exchange strikes, almost toying with each other. Suzuki ducks a leg sweep and locks in a rope-assisted armbar. Everyone Brawls On The Outside™.

Suzuki and Naito fight up the entry ramp as Lance Archer terrifies a child at ringside. Back in the ring, Suzuki locks in a Heel Hook. Naito fights to the ropes.

Smith tags in and hits a slam for two. Smith slams Naito and then goes to the top rope. Naito dodges a diving leg drop. Naito hits a Tornado DDT. Naito hits Suzuki with an Enziguri. SANADA tags in and dropkicks Smith.

SANADA fights off KES. SANADA hits Archer with a Plancha. Davey Boy locks SANADA in a bearhug and then hits a Northern Lights Suplex for two.

SANADA fights out of a powerbomb. SANADA hits a Springboard Dropkick. EVIL tags in. Archer tags in.

EVIL hits a Bulldog. EVIL hits a senton. Archer hits a corner splash. Archer goes for Blackout, but Naito kicks Archer’s leg. Suzuki brawls with Naito to the outside. SANADA and EVIL double team Archer. Suzuki locks a heel hook on the outside to Naito. Davey breaks up Magic Killer and he and Archer hit EVIL with a sideslam/Splash combo for two. KES hit Killer Bomb on SANADA. KES goes for Killer Bomb but EVIL fights out. EVIL goes for EVIL but its countered into Killer Bomb for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

After the match, Naito challenged Suzuki. Suzuki accepted and then beat up a Young Lion.

SIXTH MATCH: IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Suzuki-gun (El Desperado & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) vs. Roppongi 3k (Sho & Yoh) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (BUSHI & Hiromu Takahashi)

Sho and Yoh attack everyone to start. They hit stereo planchas on Desperado and Kanemaru and then double team LIJ. Sho and Yoh beat on Desperado and get a cover, but Hiromu breaks up the pin. Hiromu chases Rocky Romero. Sho and Yoh continue their double team assault but BUSHI chokes Yoh with a shirt.

Hiromu chops away on Yoh’s chest. BUSHI tags in and beats on Yoh. Hiromu tags in and hits a corner lariat and a sliding dropkick for two.

BUSHI and Hiromu hit a tandem move. BUSHI locks in an STF. Suzuki-gun clear the ring and double team Yoh. Kanemaru locks in a camel clutch. Kanemaru breaks the hold to beat on BUSHI. Kanemaru hits a body slam. Kanemaru hits a Vertical Suplex for a one count. Yoh hits an enziguri but Kanemaru stops the tag. Yoh hits a kick and tags in Sho. Sho hits a huge dropkick. Sho hits Desperado with a spinebuster. Sho hits a corner lariat. Sho goes for a German Suplex but Kanemaru fights out.

Sho misses dropkick. Kanemaru goes for Boston Crab but stops to fight BUSHI. Hiromu tags in and Hiromu & BUSHI beats on Sho. Sho hits a sliding dropkick on BUSHI. Sho hits Hiromu with a spear. Yoh tags in and hits two dropkicks.

Yoh fights off a double team and hits a dragon screw. Yoh hits a forearm. Yoh goes for a suplex but Hiromu fights out. Sho tags in. Drop Toe Hold/Sliding Dropkick. Dominator/Spanish Fly combo gets two. Yoh hits a plancha on Kanemaru. Sho hits a Deadlift German Suplex on Hiromu. Sho does likewise to BUSHI. Hiromu fights back. Hiromu hits a Thrust Kick. BUSHI hits an Enziguri. BUSHI rolls Rocky in the ring and LIJ beat on him.

Sho and Yoh hit stereo high knees. They call for 3K but Kanemaru and Desperado attack. Everyone gets German Suplexed. BUSHI hits a tope after Hiromu hits a powerbomb. Hiromu hits Timebomb on Sho for two.

Hiromu hits Blu-Ray. Hiromu hits Timebomb but Kanemaru pulls the referee out of the ring.

Desperado cleans house with the IWGP Tag Belts. Desperado hits Butterfly Facebuster on Sho for the pinfall.