Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

Exclusive: James Mitchell On Seeing He & Abyss In Jimmy Jacobs & Kongo Kong, Tomorrow’s Monster’s Ball, Why Managers Never Went Away, More

Exclusive: James Mitchell On Seeing He & Abyss In Jimmy Jacobs & Kongo Kong, Tomorrow’s Monster’s Ball, Why Managers Never Went Away, More
Photo Credit: Impact Wrestling

On how the roster and management in Impact compares to his previous runs in the company:

JM: I expect great things out of the talent but the thing is Impact always had great talent. No one ever took anything away from the talent. Without naming names we know that there has been some management in the past that were less than competent and made less than great decisions. I know right now, personally, that Scott D’Amore and Don Callis are guys who really love wrestling. They are wrestling purists. They understand the proper way to present it to the public and how to find that right mix of entertainment, violence and athleticism.

History will show that when Scott D’Amore was in charge of TNA/Impact’s direction, back in the day, is when it really did have it’s strongest and most sustained level of success. I expect great things from them. It’s going to be a slow climb but, from what I have seen in the last few months, they have been making a slow but steady climb out of the hole that others put them in. It’s going to take some work but I think they’ve got the right brains behind the product now to present it in the right way. I think we will get Impact back to where it deserves to be.

On if he prefers being a comedic or serious presence on Impact Wrestling TV:

JM: I think it is just like anything in life, there is a balance. You know? You have to be able to shift seamlessly through all of the gears and those are the people that tend to be the most successful: Those that do not tend to get stuck in just one gear. We are capable of doing it all.

NEXT PAGE: Jim Mitchell On The Role Of Managers In Pro Wrestling Today, His Memories Of The “Mortal Kombat” Characters Invasion Of WCW, More (Plus Full Audio)