New Japan Cup Semi-Finals Results (3/18) SANADA/Sabre, Who Advanced To The Finals?

MAIN EVENT: New Japan Cup Sem-Final Match: Zack Sabre Jr. vs. SANADA

The two evade lock up attempts. They lock up. Sabre grounds SANADA, working a wristlock. Sabre transitions into a top wristlock, and then into a headlock. SANADA fights to the rope.

They lock up and SANADA immediately locks in a wristlock. Sabre tries to roll out, but SANADA maintains dominance. Sabre tries to wrestle out of the wristlock, but SANADA slams him down, maintaining the hold. Sabre flips, bends and twists, and locks in a wristlock of his own. SANADA tries to flip out, but Sabre flips out of as well and both men return to their corners.

Sabre locks in a wristlock. SANADA fights out into a test of strength. Sabre wrestles out of a pin attempt, into a double wristlock.  SANADA fights top his feet, and locks in a double wristlock of his own. Sabre tries to power out, but SANADA keeps him grounded.  Sabre powers out, but SANADA rolls through, maintaining the double wristlock. SANADA kicks Sabre out of the ring and teases a dive, but flips back into the ring. Sabre beats the count at 18.

Test of strength sees SANADA rols Sabre around until he locks in a straight jacket choke. Sabre pulls SANADA’s arms through into a choke of his own, but SANADA keeps rolling until he regains the hold. SANADA hits a dropkick. SANADA hits a plancha to the outside.

Both men get back in the ring. SANADA throws a huge forearm at Sabre, then another. Sabre responds with a European Uppercut. SANADA counters a roundhouse kick with the Paradise Lock, but Sabre counters with an armbar, which SANADA reverses into Skull End, which Sabre fights his way out of. Sabre stands on SANADA’s face in the corner. SANADA rolls out of the ring. SANADA breaks the count at 15.

Sabre immediately grounds SANADA and locks in a hand manipulation arm trap submission. Sabre transitions into a crucifix for two. Sabre transitions into using his legs to stretch SANADA’s arms back. Sabre breaks the hold.

SANADA and Sabre exchange punches and kicks. SANADA goes for a tackle but gets locked in an STF Bow & Arrow. Sabre locks in a Cross Armbreaker, while manipulating SANADA’s fingers. Sabre breaks.

Sabre locks in another wristlock. Sabre bends SANADA’s bicep in gruesome positions. SANADA tries to fight out. SANADA hits a dropkick. SANADA locks in Paradise Lock. SANADA hits the dropkick to Sabre’s backside. Sabre locks in a side headlock and then transitions into a wristlock. SANADA goes for TKO, but Sabre rolls through into an armbreaker. SANADA gets to the ropes.

Sabre locks in an Abdominal Stretch. SANADA reverses with an Abdominal Stretch of his own. SANADA hits a High Angle Suplex for two.

Sabre ducks the Moonsault. Sabre hits a Penalty Kick. Sabre stomps on SANADA’s tricep.  Sabre continues to work SANADA’s injured arm. They exchange strikes. SANADA hits a springboard dropkick. SANADA goes for a TKO but Sabre counters with a Guillotine Choke. Sabre transitions to a Kimura.  SANADA counters with Skull End. Sabre twists out into an armbreaker. SANADA O’Connor Rolls into Skull End, but Sabre reverses with a Prawn Hold, but SANADA reverses with Skull End. Sabre rolls into a Prawn Hold for two.

SANADA hits a European Uppercut. SANADA goes for TKO but Sabre transitions to a Rear Naked Choke. Sabre transitions into a Triangle Choke. SANADA powerbomb lifts into a TKO for two.

SANADA hits a Tiger Suplex for two.

SANADA hits a ribbreaker. SANADA goes for Moonsault, but Sabre locks in a Triangle Choke with elbows. SANADA tries to powerbomb out, but Sabre transitions into a grounded double armlock, bending SANADA’s shoulders behind his back. SANADA submits.

WINNER: Zack Sabre Jr.

During the backstage press conference, Sabre says “Tanahashi, you’re a legend, and legends have to die.”


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