Credit: NJPW/TV Asahi

New Japan Cup Night 1 Results (3/9) Robinson vs. Yujiro, Elgin vs. Ishii, More.

THIRD MATCH: Suzuki-gun (El Desperado, Yoshinobu Kanemaru & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Tetsuya Naito, BUSHI & SANADA)

BUSHI & Desperado start off but Kanemaru attacks from behind. The two double team BUSHI. BUSHI hits a headscissors takedown on Kanemaru, and an arm drag on Desperado. Naito tags in and stomps away on Desperado. Naito uses Desperado’s mask as a leash and dominates him. SANADA tags in and pummels Desperado, who asks for more. Desperado rakes SANADA’s eyes. SANADA tries for Paradise Lock, but Desperado wriggles out. Everyone brawls at ringside. During the brawl, Desperado steals a notepad from one of the press.

Back in the ring and Desperado hits SANADA with the notepad. The two exchange chops. Desperado rakes the eyes. Zack Sabre Jr. tags in.

Sabre locks in a Beel and tags in Kanemaru. Kanemaru kicks SANADA repeatedly to no effect. Kanemaru throws the ref into SANADA. SANADA hits springboard dropkick on Kanemaru. Naito tags in. Sabre tags in.

The two exchange forearms, with Naito getting the better. Naito hits an armdrag and a dropkick to the back of the head. Naito hits a Slingshot dropkick. Naito goes for Gloria, but Sabre locks in an Octopus Hold. BUSHI breaks the hold. Sabre hits multiple European Uppercuts. The two exchange strikes. Naito backslides into a Spinebuster. BUSHI tags in. BUSHI clears the apron, hits a dropkick and does the BUSHIroonie.

BUSHI and SANADA double team Sabre for a two count. BUSHI signals for MX. Sabre ducks it but eats an Enziguri. Sabre locks in an STF and transitions into a contorted Regal Lock for the submission.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun

FOURTH MATCH: Hiroshi Tanahashi, David Finlay & Toa Henare vs. Suzuki-gun (Taichi, Takashi Iizuka & Minoru Suzuki)

Suzuki-gun assault their opponents to start. Suzuki attacks the injured leg of Tanahashi. Tanahashi fights off a Heel Hold attempt and hits a dropkick. Iizuka runs in and attacks Tanahashi, but Henare & Finlay take care of him. Finlay tags in and out runs Iizuka and then hits a European Uppercut. Finlay gets locked in a rope-assisted triangle choke from Suzuki. Everyone brawls at ringside.

While working over Henare with a chair, Suzuki hits a Young Lion with the chair and starts beating on Finlay. Suzuki rolls Finlay in at 18, and Iizuka takes over the assault. Iizuka chokes Finlay. Suzuki runs in and stomps on Finlay. Iizuka chokes Finlay with a rope, while Suzuki holds the referee in an armlock.

Iizuka covers for two. Suzuki tags in. Finlay tries to damage Suzuki, but gets sent straight to the ground. Suzuki chops away on Finlay. Finlay fights back with a European Uppercut. Tanahashi tags in.

Tanahashi hits a forearm. Tanahashi clears the apron. Tanahashi hits Dragon Screw. Tanahashi goes for a Dragon Suplex, but Suzuki kicks his knee out. Suzuki locks in a nasty kneebar. Suzuki locks in a Rear Naked Choke.  Suzukj goes for the Gotch Piledriver, but Tanahashi reverses out. Tanahashi hits Sling Blade. Both men are down.

Taichi tags in and clears the apron. Taichi taunts Tanahashi. The two exchange strikes. Taichi drops Tanahashi with a roundhouse kick. Taichi goes for a Powerbomb but Tanahashi reverses and tags in Henare. Henare floors Taichi, clears the apron, climbs to the top and hits a Flying Shoulder Tackle for two.

Everyone hits running attacks to Taichi. Henare hits a Spinebuster for two. Everyone brawls on the outside. Taichi hits an Enziguri to Henare in the ring. Taichi rips his pants off, but misses the Thrust Kick. Henare hits a spear for two.

Henare goes for a Samoan Drop but Suzuki runs in and locks in a Rear Naked Choke. Taichi hits Thrust Kick for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Suzuki-gun