impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling: Crossroads Results (3/8): New Champions Crowned, Who Is The Impact World Champion?

Backstage, Austin Aries says his back hurts because he has the weight of the world on his shoulders. Aries says Impact needs to be nasty if he wants. to take the title off of him. If Impact wants to take the title Impact is going to have to show everyone a side of him no one has ever seen.

Handicap Match: oVe vs Bobby Lashley

The Crist brothers try to attack Lashley on the ramp but he clotheslines them both. Lashley tosses Dave from the outside into the ring. Lashley tries to get into the ring but Sami Callihan hits him in the knee with the baseball bat. oVe tries to suplex Lashley but Lashley suplexes them. Lashley tosses Jake clear across the ring. Callihan grabs Lashley leg as he sets up for a Spear. Jake hits a superkick for a near fall. After the break, oVe hit a combo enziguri/running head kick in the corner. Dave boots Lashley into the corner. Callihan attacks Lashley while the referee isn’t looking. Dave and Jack take turns working over Lashley’s knee.

Lashley belly-to-belly suplexes Jake into Dave. Brian Cage power walks to the ring and tags Lashley as if he is in the match. Cage clotheslines Dave and back body drops Jake. Cage destroys the Crist brothers. Cage picks up Dave for a slam but Jake dives off the top. Cage catches Jake as well. Cage powerbombs Jake and slams Dave at the same time. Cage sets up the Drill Claw. Callihan gets in the ring and is about to hit Cage. Lashley Spears Callihan. Cage hits the Drill Claw for the win.

Winners- Bobby Lashley and Brian Cage

After the match, Lashley tries to shake Cage’s hand. Cage walks away.