impact wrestling

Impact Wrestling: Crossroads Results (3/8): New Champions Crowned, Who Is The Impact World Champion?

Backstage, Lashley says last week they shut up oVe. They think because they took out Eddie Edwards they have a chance. They don’t. Lashley doesn’t care if its one, two, or three people. Or hell it could be the whole state of Ohio, Lashley will shut them up too.

Backstage, Matt Sydal says he is going to open all of our third eyes. Sydal is going to make two into one. Namaste.

Title vs Title Match: X-Division Champion Taiji Ishimori vs Grand Champion Matt Sydal

Sydal backs Ishimori into the ropes. Sydal gives Ishimori a clean break. Sydal gives Ishimori the peace sign. Sydal locks in an armbar. Ishimori flips out of it. Dropkick by Ishimori. Sydal takes Ishimori over with a flying head scissors. Ishimori rolls into the corner. Sydal stomps Ishimori and lays in a few chops. Sliding knee by Sydal in the corner. Sydal puts Ishimori on the top rope. Ishimori knocks Sydal off the top, then hits a flying code breaker. After the break, Sydal hits the standing leg driver for a near fall. Mutalock by Sydal. Ishimori manages to hit an enziguri. Ishimori floors Sydal with a handspring head kick. Ishimori hits his rope hop double stomp for another near fall.

Sydal hits the ropes but Ishimori lifts him up and hits a modified version of the Alpamare Waterslide.  No hands hurricanrana by Sydal for a two count. Standing switch leads to a sick German suplex by Sydal. Ishimori kicks out. Sydal tries a standing moonsault. Ishimori gets his knees up. Sydal rolls to the outside. Ishimori hits a golden triangle moonsault to the outside. Sydal slowly gets to his feet. Ishimori runs down the ramp and flips Sydal over with a step up ranna. Ishimori sends Sydal back into the ring. Sydal catches Ishimori with a kick to the chest. Flying double knees by Sydal. Ishimori kicks out. Sydal misses the Shooting Star Press. Ishimori blast Sydal with the double knee tombstone. Ishimori goes up for the 450 but Sydal gets his knees up. Sydal hits the Shooting Star Press for the win!

Winner and NEW X-Division Champion, Matt Sydal!