Fatal Five-Way Match: Woken Matt Hardy vs Bray Wyatt vs Finn Bálor vs Apollo Crews vs Seth Rollins
The match started during the break. Wyatt DDT Hardy on the apron. Crews hits a moonsault off the apron on to Wyatt. Bálor sends Crews to the outside after a head kick. Hardy breaks up Bálor’s pin attempt on Wyatt. Hardy tries to powerbomb Bálor but Rollins superkicks him. Bálor hits the sling blade on Rollins. Bálor calls for the shotgun dropkick. Rollins superkicks him. Wyatt crushes Rollins with a cross body block. Wyatt tries Sister Abigail but Rollins counters and hits a superkick. Rollins goes up top. Crews tries to suplex Rollins but Hardy and Bálor try the tower of doom. Wyatt breaks that up. Wyatt destroys Crews with a uranage followed by a senton. After the break, Wyatt is about to attack Bálor but Hardy is just standing in the ring clapping. Wyatt (and everyone else) is confused. Hardy hits the side effect on Wyatt, then Bálor. Hardy calls for the Twist of Fate. Rollins clotheslines Hardy off the top to break it up. Rollins hits a double blockbuster off the top on Crews and Wyatt.
Rollins suicide dives on to Bálor, then Hardy, and lastly Wyatt. Rollins hits a suplex into a falcon arrow on Crews. Crews kicks out. Rollins sends Crews to the outside. Rollins hits a step-up enziguri on Wyatt. Rollins hits the ropes and gets turned inside out by a lariat from Wyatt. Bálor hits the sling blade on Wyatt. Bálor goes up top but Rollins cuts him off. Rollins tries the phoenix splash but Wyatt moves out of the way. Rollins lands on his feet. Hardy hits the Twist of Fate on Wyatt. Bálor breaks up the pin the Coup de Grâs. Before Bálor can get the pin Rollins Curb Stomps him. Crews breaks up Rollins’ pin. Rollins and Crews trade strikes in the middle of the ring. Gorilla press attempt by Crews. Rollins counter but ends up getting hit with a Samoan drop by Crews. Standing moonsault by Crews. Rollins kicks out. Standing shooting star by Crews. Rollins kicks out again. Crews goes up top. Hardy tries to hit the side effect off the top but Wyatt pulls Hardy to the outside. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail on Hardy on the floor. Wyatt tries to suplex Crews off the top. Bálor and Rollins tower of doom Wyatt and Crews off the top. Bálor and Rollins pin Wyatt at the same time.
Winner- Finn Bálor and Seth Rollins?
Everyone is confused. Rollins and Bálor try to plead their case with the referee as the show goes off the air.
WHO WON THE MATCH?!#RAW #WWEChamber @WWERollins @FinnBalor pic.twitter.com/50gDgNFKK5
— WWE Universe (@WWEUniverse) February 13, 2018
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